Cinnamon Buns Recipe

20130502-223925.jpgCinnamon Buns. They’re one of my favourite baked goods ever. They’re amazing, and this recipe is just awesome. I made these one afternoon, and popped them on the table outside on my parents patio. It more than doubled in size, and we ate beautiful, puffy, gorgeous buns. If you do a search you’ll find loads of different recipes, and many of them have a sugar syrup, but we decided we prefer it without. You know, the ‘healthier’ version.

This recipe is for the Thermomix, but there’s no reason you cant mix it in any food processor, or the old fashioned way: by hand. You’ll just have to adapt the mixing.

You can find the original recipe inspiration here, but of course I changed it a little as I normally do.

There’s another Cinnamon Bun recipe coming soon. It’s the quick version, whereas this one has a longer wait, but makes a lighter bun.

Cinnamon Buns Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
These are so awesome. The best thing is that you can make them early in the evening, and let them go through their first rise, shape them before bed, and pop them in the oven for 20 minutes first thing in the morning for delicious scrolls. You can also freeze these, and just take out what you need and warm for five minutes. They're probably not your healthiest breakfast choice, so maybe a once a week treat!
Cuisine: Breakfast,
  • 100g sugar/caster sugar
  • 350g warm milk (2 cups)
  • 2tsp fast action yeast (7 grams)
  • 80g butter
  • 650g white bread flour (bakers flour)
  • 1tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • ⅔ cup brown sugar (can use more if desired)
  • 2 tsps of cinnamon (can use more if desired)
  • ¼ cup butter
  1. Pulverise the sugar (3 seconds, speed 9)
  2. Add milk, warm at 50C for 2 minutes on speed 1
  3. Add yeast, butter, flour, salt and the egg into the bowl, and mix well (10 seconds on speed 7)
  4. Knead for until a rough dough has formed (3 minutes on interval speed)
  5. Cover a bowl with clingfilm, and leave to rise for about an hour.
  6. After dough has doubled in size, remove from bowl roll out thinly. You may need to do this in two batches.
  7. Leave to rest for a minute, while you blend together the butter, sugar and cinnamon. (10 seconds, speed 7)
  8. Spread over the rolled out dough.
  9. Starting at the longest end, roll the dough, and press the dough together at the end.
  10. Now you have two choices:
  11. Cut the dough across into 2 or 3 centimeter rounds and place on a baking tray, or
  12. Place the dough in a round pan, and cut halfway through the dough to make a 'tear and share' kind of pull apart bread.
  13. Leave it again for 30 minutes to one hour till it's doubled in size again.
  14. Heat your oven to 200C /390F/Gas Mark 6, and bake for approximately 20 minutes - a little longer if you're making the share bread, until they are golden brown.
No Thermomix? Use caster sugar, warm the milk in the microwave or on the stove.