Easy Thermomix Meringues

I make our mayonnaise, and many other things from scratch, often requiring only the yolk of an egg. I hate seeing things go to waste, so I try to make something with the left over whites. While this isn’t by any means a healthy recipe, it is a lovely one. If you don’t have a Thermomix, here’s my non-Thermomix recipe.

Unless you eat them all in one go, the Thermomix Meringues will last in the cupboard for weeks, if not months!

We put them in the lunch box as snacks sometimes, or have them as desert with cream and fruit – absolutely yum.

To make the colours like in the image above, you need to separate the meringue mix into different bowls and very gently stir through the food colouring. Then use a spoon to move the batter into an icing bag, putting different colours next to each other rather than on top of each other.  As you squeeze it, the colours will mix and make pretty meringues.

If you make meringues with brown sugar they’ll come out in this golden-ish hue rather than white.

Silky Thermomix Meringues

Easy Thermomix Meringues
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
You can adapt this recipe as far as you like, in terms of amounts used, so long as you use 110g sugar to each egg white. In a TM31, I wouldn't be inclined to go beyond 6 egg whites however. I have successfully made this with just one egg white too.
  • 3 Egg-Whites, room temperature
  • 330g White sugar (brown if you don't mind them not being white)
  • Pinch of Salt
  1. Put the sugar in the mixing bowl and pulse for 10 seconds on Turbo.
  2. Place the butterfly in the bowl and add the egg whites along with a pinch of salt.
  3. 'Cook' at 37C for 7 minutes on speed 2, no MC.
  4. Leave the mix to cool for 10 minutes with the lid off.
  5. Mix again for 7 min/speed 2.
  6. Either pipe the mixture with a piping bag into small circles, or a large 'pie' for pavlova-style deserts, or dollop the mix onto a baking tray in spoonfuls, leaving space for expansion.
  7. Cook for about 60-90 minutes on 100C° to 120 min at 80C° depending on your oven and meringue sizes - as well as how chewy you want it.
  8. When finished, leave in the oven to dry out while cooling down.


*original recipe found on the Thermomix forums

9 Replies to “Easy Thermomix Meringues”

  1. As a thermomix newbie, this recipe is great, fast and good way to do something for Missys lunch box.
    Thanks chick x
    (The best part is the colours!)

  2. What a great recipe! It worked perfectly, I made little mini ones and they look and taste great.

    To clean the bowl, I threw in some frozen fruit which I chopped up, then added another egg white, and made fruity dream ice cream. Yum!

  3. This was my first time making meringues and they worked perfectly! I made them with raw sugar, I will try white sugar next time – just for the added ‘sweetness’ flavour. Thank you for such an easy, fail-proof recipe!

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