Soft Cherry And White Chocolate Thermomix Fudge Recipe

Charlotte, who contributes here from time to time, shared a fudge recipe on her Facebook page recently that, as a lover of both fudge and Thermomixes,I had to try. My first attempt following the recipe was only mildly successful, but for the second attempt I went with raw sugar, golden syrup and glace cherries and it is fantastic. So good, in fact that it has made it into the Christmas gift hampers for this year.White Chocolate and Glace Cherry Thermomix Fudge

If you have a last minute gift or party to cater for, these are so simple and totally worth it.

I use a brownie pan to pour it into, then cut using the guides, and cut each of those in four too, to bring them down to a snackable size.

We use Farmlea condensed milk to avoid using Nestle.

Soft Cherry And White Chocolate Fudge
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Delicious soft fudge, cut into bite sized squares to counteract the supreme sweetness. Thoroughly delicious though, and makes a big enough batch for gift baskets, or a party.
Recipe type: Sweets, Desert, Gift Basket
Cuisine: English
Serves: 54
  • 1 can Farm Lea condensed milk
  • 250g raw sugar
  • 25g golden syrup
  • 125g butter
  • 200g white chocolate
  • 100g glace cherries
  1. Add condensed milk, sugar, syrup and butter to the Thermomix bowl.
  2. Cook without MC at 100C speed 3 for 8 mins.
  3. Scrape down sides if needed, then cook Veroma, 20 mins speed 3 still without MC
  4. Add chocolate and cherries and mix on speed 4, reverse blades for 20 seconds.
  5. Pour into brownie tray
  6. Refrigerate for 3 -4 hours, cut and store in airtight container.


3 Replies to “Soft Cherry And White Chocolate Thermomix Fudge Recipe”

    1. Hi Jade,

      Not a silly question at all. We actually avoid all Nestle products, which thankfully is a lot easier to do in England than it is in many other countries where they have a remarkable monopoly on the market. Nestle is a highly unethical company with boycotters for a host of reasons including but not limited to their decimation of rain forests, and the associated primate life forms, their belief that access to fresh water isn’t a human right (and the related theft of water from communities who they then attempt to sell it back to). I personally take huge issue with their approach to the poorest people in the world, those along the Amazon river where they launched a ship to sell Nestle products in smaller packages (and inflated prices) to people with little or no choice, but mostly I object to the way they send sales people dressed as nurses into poor communities to give out just enough baby milk substitutes to ensure breastmilk dries up, before the mothers have to start buying formula with money they don’t have – leading to them watering down or bulking up milk with things not suitable for infants, leading to illness and death of babies when their parents were led to believe that the milk substitute was better for the babies than mother’s milk.

      Of course all companies have questionable ethics in some area or another, but Nestle pretty much flaunts their disregard for human (or animal) life and then makes a lot of PR out of charitable events. These are my personal reasons, but as consumers we vote with our pennies, and I don’t want to support them as a company and haven’t in 5 years now. You can read more about Nestle and their ethics by Googling baby milk action. Hope that answers that for you? 🙂

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