Peppermint Crisp Pie is an old favourite for me. It is rich and creamy and comforting, a little reminder of a once-was-home, of my mother, and of many a dinner party, barbeque or braai where it’s been consumed with gusto. The main problem with this recipe however, is that most of it’s parts are – originally – Nestle products, and we are Nestle boycotters, so for many years I stopped making it.
These days, however, I’ve found some pretty decent substitutes and I’m happy making it again. This recipe is very forgiving. If you get the amounts slightly wrong, it won’t matter too much. While you can serve and enjoy Peppermint Crisp Pie immediately, making it the day before is ideal as it allows the moisture to soak into the biscuits and gives you more of a firm pudding. Either way, it’s moreish.
- 1 pack Tennis Biscuits
- 2 cups/ 500g fresh cream
- 1x 397g tin of Caramel (or Condensed Milk)
- 200g mint chocolate (traditionally this one, but I prefer Green & Blacks from an ethical point of view
- If you're not using caramel, place the condensed milk in a pot of water and boil for three hours. Allow to cool completely (preferably overnight. If you use hot caramel the whole desert will be ruined.)
- Break the chocolate into blocks and place in the Thermomix bowl. Speed 7/10 seconds
- Wash & dry the bowl and add the butterfly and then the cream
- Whisk the cream for 1 - 3 minutes, depending on how fresh it is. Keep an eye on it as you don't want butter. Speed 4/ 1 - 3 minutes.
- Add the caramel and two-thirds of the chocolate and mix speed 1/ 30 seconds - just enough to mix but not to whisk again.
- Add a layer of biscuits to the base of a glass dish.
- Add about a quarter of the cream mixture above the biscuits and spread it evenly.
- Add another layer of biscuits
- Add another layer of cream, and repeat until it's all finished.
- End on a layer of cream, and sprinkle the remaining chocolate
- Cover and refrigerate till it's ready to be eaten.
- Grate the chocolate
- Place the biscuits in a shallow glass dish
- Beat the double cream till it is stiff, then add most of the grated chocolate and caramel and stir in gently. If you beat it again, the cream will fall flat and won't set properly.
- Spoon a layer of the cream mixture on to the biscuits, then add another layer of biscuits, topped again with the cream. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times, depending on the depth of your dish.
- Finish with the cream mixture and sprinkle with chocolate.
- Place in the fridge for an hour to set, and keep refrigerated.
I subscribe to 4 Blades magazine wherein this recipe was published this week.
I must voice my disappointment to see how the cream and the caramel have been mixed together in this recipe.
Growing up in South Africa this method was not used. There were distinct layers of biscuit, caramel, and cream, separately (with a drop or two of peppermint essence mixed into the caramel) and a good sprinkling of grated peppermint crisp on the cream layer.
I honestly feel the beautiful flavours that come from making it the ‘old fashioned way’, brings out way more flavours than what you will get from mixing the cream with the caramel.
This is of course just my opinion. The presentation is also far more appealing to the eye with the distinct layers visible.
Thanks for your comment – I too grew up in South Africa – my first 24 years of life – and this is how my mother – who spent her first 40-odd years in South Africa, made it, without the Thermomix of course. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it with distinctive layers of caramel separate to the cream that you mention. I also had some at a South African shop in Australia last year and there wasn’t a separate layer of caramel then either? I’ve also never heard of adding peppermint essence. It’s the firs time I’ve heard of it done the way you describe! Sounds interesting though, and I’m sure there’s room for both versions 🙂
I too grew up in South Africa and have always mixed the caramel and cream. only the top layer is cream only, sprinkled with peppermint crisp. This is how we made it in the Cape. I have recently learnt to add a half set packet of lime jelly, mixed with a cup of water only, to the cream and caramel mixture, absolutely delicious!
Thanks Shani! Glad it’s not just us! And adding lime? Interesting! I may have to try that!