Egg Drop Soup – Kids In The Kitchen

Today’s recipe requires a little adult help and supervision because you’re working not only with hot liquid, but if you’ve made the stock, hot fatty liquid. From a parent perspective, I really like Egg Drop Soup because I use bone broth to make the stock and while the kids aren’t usually that keen on plain bone broth, they’ll devour this soup no questions asked. The benefits of bone broth make this soup especially valuable when there’s seasonal changes and general sickness about.

If you can make your broth from scratch, bonus, but if you’re using a bought one that’s fine too. The flavour of this soup changes every time we make it because the broth is always changing.

We add ginger, salt and pepper and spring onion to taste – if I’m making it I generally add more ginger!

Our Kids in the Kitchen chef, Ellemae, makes this one on her own – she just needs my help lifting the pot on and off the stove as it’s a bit heavy for her.  This serves three of us quite well – the fat and protein content makes it quite filling, but you can have it with bread too.

Egg Drop Soup

Teaching Points:

Talking about the health benefits of bone broth fits in the national curriculum’s healthy plate agenda, and can stand kids in good stead for the future.


  • Cracking eggs
  • Grating
  • Chopping
  • Stirring

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Egg Drop Soup - Kids In The Kitchen
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Kids In the Kitchen, Soup
Cuisine: Chinese
Serves: 3 servings
  • 500ml (2 cups) chicken stock
  • 125ml (1/2 cup) coconut milk
  • 30ml (2tbsp) butter
  • 2 eggs
  • grated ginger (to taste)
  • spring onion (to taste)
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
  1. In a bowl, break the eggs and use the fork to mix the yolk and whites well.
  2. In a pot, combine the chicken broth/stock, coconut milk, butter and ginger and place on medium heat on the stove top.
  3. With the help of an adult, bring it to boil, stirring to combine the ingredients.
  4. When it starts boiling turn off the heat and pour the eggs into the steaming broth. Stir to break up the egg.
  5. Sprinkle spring onions over the soup and serve warm.

Buy your recipe cards here
Find more Kids in the Kitchen recipes here.


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