DIY Clotted Cream In The Slowcooker Or Crockpot

Clotted Cream

My brother and sister-in-law came to visit from Australia a few weeks ago, and as you do when people come to visit from not-England, you do the very English thing  of taking them for afternoon tea… although I advise that you should first find out if they wanted a high tea or cream tea because they are very different. If you’re expecting a three-tiered tray of triangled sandwiches, pretty dainties and sparkles, getting a plate with two flat scones and a dollop of jam and/or cream is somewhat disappointing, delicious as it is when you were expecting it.

Clotted Cream Anyway, I digress. We got to discussing clotted cream, as you do, and how it’s made and my brother set me the challenge of making clotted cream in the Thermomix. It turns out you can’t in a TM31 because you can’t switch the movement of the blades off. I have someone testing it on the yoghurt function of the T5 at the moment, so we’ll see how that works out, and let you know.

In the meantime however, this incredibly simple recipe – can you call it a recipe if it’s one ingredient? – can be easily adapted whether for a slow cooker or an iPot or whatever you use. The important thing, really, is that you need to put it in something that can be kept still for three hours, and the greater the surface area, the better. Also realise that a 600ml pot of double cream only gives you about 100ml of clotted cream, so have some ideas on hand for what to do with the remaining cream that is similar to buttermilk, and make it sooner rather than later as it won’t last long.

The clotted cream itself will last for 3-5 days in the fridge.

Homemade clotted creamI’ve seen recipes online for clotted cream that I’m pretty sure are actually sour cream – cream and lemon juice – that is not traditional clotted cream. Clotted cream is thick cream obtained by heating milk slowly and then allowing it to cool while the cream content rises to the top in coagulated lumps.

You can also use clotted cream instead of butter on toast, perfect with jam, or instead of ice cream on hot puddings – or with ice cream if you’re so inclined. I have used it to top chocolate mousse and steamed puddings, as in the pictures.

DIY Clotted Cream In The Slowcooker Or Crockpot
  • 600ml cream (also 600g)
  1. Pour the double cream into your slow cooker and put it on the lowest setting. On mine this is warm (as compared to low or high). It's roughly 70C.
  2. Leave the lid off to allow air exposure and leave for 3 - 4 hours.
  3. Switch the heat off and leave for another hour.
  4. Move the pot of cream very gently to the fridge making sure not to break the surface or shake it in any way.
  5. Keep in the fridge overnight, then scoop the top thick layer off carefully, putting that in an airtight container and use the remainder as buttermilk in bread or scones which you can then top with your clotted cream!

Don’t have a slow cooker? Pick one up from just over £10!

Three Delicious Frozen Yoghurt Recipes

Nectarine and flat peach frozen yoghurt

It’s an ice-cream time of the year, and my kids seem to want some every single day at the moment – one of those side effects of living in a sea side town too: whenever we go to the beach, they think they’re in for a treat. It’s hard to say no too, when all around us holiday-makers are enjoying one of the rich and creamy Isle of Wight ice creams.

I decided it was time to break out the ice lollies again, and get some yoghurt made up. My girls are perfectly happy with frozen yoghurt as ‘ice cream’ so it works out well for all of us – they could even have them for breakfast.

I have these NUK ice lollies that I use for the kids because they take about two tablespoons of yoghurt, which makes a perfectly sized ice lolly. After one, they’re satisfied, making it an all round healthier treat than anything from a box or even a normally bigger than they they can eat soft serve.

The flavours are forgiving – you can pretty much do anything you like, but here are some of our favourites.

Mint & Chocolate Chip is always a good flavour combination, you can add cacao or cocoa to make it a chocolate flavoured frozen yoghurt, but even without that, it’s tasty, and by the time the fro-yo has frozen, the mint permeates through. Delicious. A few hits of choc-chips throughout and there’s nothing not to love.

Mint and choc chip frozen yoghurtSee how good these look? But they’re only two tablespoons worth of yoghurt and yet sufficient to end a craving.

I thought the mint and chocolate might settle at the bottom, but was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t.

Mint Chocolate Chip Froyo
Prep time
Total time
5g of mint leaves is a lot - on a TM31 it doesn't even register - hence the ingredients say up to 5g. It's a pretty forgiving recipe, so if you need to add a bit more or less of any ingredient, it won't cause any problems.
Recipe type: Dessert, Ice Cream, Frozen Yoghurt, Dairy
Serves: 330g
Regular Instructions
  1. g Mint leaves equals a large handful, roughly.
  2. Crush the mint leaves and add to a bowl.
  3. Add the chocolate chips and the yoghurt and mix well.
  4. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen, then serve.
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Add up to 5g mint leaves to the Thermomix bowl and mix speed 5/10seconds.
  2. Add the butterfly, the chocolate chips and the yoghurt and mix 30 seconds, speed 3, scraping down the sides if necessary.
  3. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen, then serve.

Saturn Peach Fro-yo

These flat peaches were incredibly juicy. The flavour from them was exceptional, but the problem with that is that they have a higher water content, which makes them freeze a little more ‘icy’ rather than ‘creamy’ which is what you’d get from a higher fat content in the yoghurt. In a ice pop it (like in the moulds above) it doesn’t really make much of a difference, but if you were hoping for a cone-style scoop it needs a longer thaw time.

Nectarine and Flat Peach Frozen Yoghurt

The recipe for a hard fruit – apples, hard nectarines, and anything else that you would normally have to bake first – is the same as for a soft fruit, with the difference that you’d have to sauté the hard fruit first.

While honey makes the frozen yoghurt sweeter, especially if you’ve opted for natural yoghurt, it also helps emulsify it a little.

Hard Fruit Frozen Yoghurt Recipes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
My nectarines were still hard even though the skin was going wrinkly. I decided to saute them for a few minutes in some honey, which made all the difference. This works for all hard fruits, like apples.
Recipe type: Dessert, Yoghurt, Frozen Yoghurt
Serves: 400g
  • 3 Hard Nectarines (or other fruit)
  • 1tbs (15g) Honey
  • 300g Natural Yoghurt
Regular Instructions
  1. Chop the nectarines roughly, making sure to remove the pip.
  2. Place in a pot on the stove with the honey and saute for 5 - 10 mins until it's soft.
  3. If you want the fruit chunky, leave it as is, but if you want it smoother, mash or purée the fruit.
  4. Add the yoghurt and stir to combine.
  5. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen.
  6. You'll need to leave the fro-yo for a few minutes to soften up before serving.
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Add the nectarines to the Thermomix, making sure to remove the pip.
  2. Add the honey and sauté for 3 mins/ Speed 2/ Varoma until it's soft.
  3. If you want the fruit chunky, leave it as is, but if you want it smoother, mix Speed 5/30 seconds.
  4. Add the yoghurt and the butterfly and stir to combine (speed 3/20 seconds)
  5. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen.
  6. You'll need to leave the fro-yo for a few minutes to soften up before serving.

We serve these in one of three ways:

  1. Either in an ice lolly like in the first picture
  2. Or in a flat container you can scoop from. We live the chocolate covered waffles for serving too.
  3. Or mix two flavours together by pouring the first ‘batch’ into a container and putting it in the freezer for 10 minutes while preparing the second batch, then pouring it over or creating a swirl. It’s a really tasty way to enjoy two flavours together.

Soft Fruit Frozen Yoghurt Recipes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
It's hard to give exact figures here, since the recipe is very forgiving, and since the point of it is to use up extra fruit and avoid wastage. Cook time is freezing time, but obviously depends on the size of your container.
Recipe type: Dessert, Ice Cream, Frozen Yoghurt
Serves: 400g
  • 3 Soft Fruits (the amount of fruit doesn't 'really' matter. Add what you have.)
  • 1tbs (15g) Honey
  • 300g Natural Yoghurt
Regular Instructions
  1. Chop the nectarines roughly, making sure to remove the pip.
  2. Place in a pot on the stove with the honey and saute for 5 - 10 mins until it's soft.
  3. If you want the fruit chunky, leave it as is, but if you want it smoother, mash or purée the fruit.
  4. Add the yoghurt and stir to combine.
  5. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen.
  6. You'll need to leave the fro-yo for a few minutes to soften up before serving.
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Add the fruit to the Thermomix, making sure to remove any pips. Chop speed 4/10 seconds.
  2. If it's very juicy, reduce some of the juice.
  3. If you want the fruit chunky, leave it as is, but if you want it smoother, mix Speed 5/30 seconds.
  4. Add the yoghurt and the butterfly and stir to combine (speed 3/20 seconds)
  5. Transfer into icepop moulds or into a shallow dish, wait till it's frozen.
  6. You'll need to leave the fro-yo for a few minutes to soften up before serving if you want it scoop-able.

Play around with the flavours and see what your favourite combinations are!

45 Things To Do With Ripe Bananas

Bananas drive me crazy. I know that sounds odd, but it’s true. My children love bananas, but the minute they get so much as a black dot on them, they’re “no longer edible”. I decided I had to expand my banana repertoire and find more things to do with ripe bananas.

Here are 45 (and counting!) ideas for recipes that use bananas for those times you have a box full, or a freezer full, or if you have a toddler who only eats half at a time so you have to freeze the other half every time. Hope you find a go to recipe among this lot!

45 Ways To Use Bananas


Make it a great start to the day with this banana granola breakfast – with DIY banana chips too. Yummy.

I’m not sure these will need freezing in colder climates, but perhaps during the summer. They don’t have the melted sugar to keep them together, which makes them a snack, and a treat at the same time.

Dairy, egg, gluten & refined sugar free with nut & grain free options, this breakfast cooking ticks all the boxes you need for those mornings where you need breakfast on the go.


This looks like pretty much the best breakfast in the world. I could wake up with a smile if I knew this was coming my way!

Baked Goods


Look at that picture. Do I need to say any more? I didn’t think so.

Grain free and sugar free? You’d be forgiven for thinking that didn’t sound like much fun, but click over to see the picture and you’ll see just how good good for you can look!

Well, what’s there to say. Banana pancakes. And only four ingredients. Yayness.

Nutella Banana muffin

Because sometimes a little bit of bad is good for you too!

A totally different take on the traditional banana bread, this one has chocolate swirled throughout. Not only does it look so scrummy, but it looks beautiful too.

Or if you prefer a no-sugar muffin, these Banana Date Pecan No Sugar Muffins (above) look good enough to…well, eat.

I love Red and Honey, it’s one of my favourite blogs, and she has a recipe contributed by Made To Glow that blows the chocolate mug cake out the window! This 5-minute pumpkin spice mug cake is perfect for cooler days for sure!


Of course you can show off your super hero side and make banana muffins with zucchini – that’s courgette to those of us not in the US – to add a helping of greens to your day’s snacking too. Courgette will make these super moist and lovely too.


That just looks tasty, tasty, tasty.

Another version of the banana muffin, but this one’s good for the dairy free-ers and the sugar free-ers too. (Yes, I just made up a word.)

Bananas and almond flour, these Paleo pancakes should keep you full for hours.

Another version of pancake recipe, but this one has pumpkin spices to make it unique from the others.

Not quite banana bread, these banana energy bars will be great for that mid morning energy boost. I think they’re a great substitute for reaching for mid-afternoon treats too!

I’ve been drooling like a baby all afternoon putting this list together, but this oozing dark chocolate icing just about takes the… well, the cake. Can you resist it?

Another cookie that could be eaten whenever hunger strikes really. Such a lovely mid day boost.


This is such a beautiful, elegant looking cake. I’ve never imagined a banana cake as an elegant thing, but here it is…

Apparently a Southern staple, I can see why this is a must have recipe for anyone with a sweet tooth! Made of creamy custard, layered heavily with sliced chunks of banana, and pudding-soft Nilla wafers, topped off with whipped cream or meringue, it’s got to be a winner.

Is it a mousse, is it a pudding, I don’t know! It’s like a smoothie with a spoon, either way, this looks like a tasty treat that should even fool picky toddlers!

Have you tried avocado to add the smooth to your mousse? Here’s a recipe if you’d like to try it for the first time!

Well now, these just look like a reason to encourage my daughter to only eat half a banana. Just so wrong. And so right.

Okay so these aren’t a baked good, but they’re too good not to share!

Frozen Treats:


Well this looks as good as anything you can buy in a shop! Better, even!

These look simply luscious. Like the kind of thing you’d make your bananas go over ripe for.

Banana ‘ice cream’ is a regular thing around the internet these days, but this nutty variety looks delicious. Definitely one to give a go! I love the addition of the mint leaves too – just makes it feel summery!


Another ice cream, but this time with pineapple and lime. Could it get more tropical than that?


Yum! How good does this look! May summer last forever, so we have a chance to try all these!

If you’ve not tried the one ingredient ice cream yet, you really should!

Oh my goodness, how amazing do these look? I am salivating just looking at the picture. So much richness!


A smoothie that’s bound to give your energy levels the right kind of spike.

Fancy some banana bread but not all the grains? Here’s a lush and refreshing deconstructed drinks version for you to enjoy. No hot kitchen required either.


Tell me that doesn’t look amazing. Excuse me while I pop out for some spinach.

lurvveeee my coffee. But this is a new one on me. I guess if it’s for the kiddies, I’ll leave out the coffee, but you know, mama’s got to have her treats.

A fun, healthy snack to fill the belly and a yummy sweet treat too.

Isn’t it great when yummy happens to be good for you too?

With that colour, this is definitely a conversation starter! I’m sure it’ll be great too.

Different Banana Breads:

Because everyone loves chocolate, and if you can make it a little healthier, why not!

For the totally healthier version, you have to try the 5 Ingredient, Super Easy Banana Cake That Is Total Gooey Goodness (Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free). This is a gooey looking pan of deliciousness. I’m sure you won’t even notice that it’s good for you.

I regularly make a cinnamon sourdough bread, but I hadn’t thought of adding banana to it before – I may have to do that next, because a cinnamon banana bread sounds fantastic.

I don’t think the amount of bourbon in this is going to kill anyone or make it child-unfriendly, but it should add a nice taste kick. Definitely something a little different.


Hmm…. that looks so yummy… the freshness of the strawberries definitely makes it feel like a summery bread too.

*According to Healy Eats Real

Dairy free, gluten free yum. They do look gorgeous!

Leftover Couscous Balls Or Patties

We often eat couscous as an alternative to pasta. While I know I do better on a grain free diet, life circumstances dictate that grains make up a big part of our diet – they just cost less than the better-f0r-me stuff! Sad but true. So, we eat a lot of grains. One of the fantastic things about couscous is that you can make completely different meals by adapting the sauce, seasoning and add-ons in your couscous salad.

Sometimes we also end up with a left over couscous – not enough for another meal, but too much to bin in good conscience. So I tried frying it arancini-style. Because the leftover couscous was already so flavourful, I wasn’t all that fussed with additions, but we could have put mozzarella balls or even flavoured cream cheese in the centre. I didn’t miss it though.

Fried Couscous Balls

Obviously these aren’t perfectly round as sticky rice arancini would be, but it really makes no difference to the flavour. They make great little patties too.

The couscous on the outside forms a crispy layer outside the softer insides, so it provides a great variety of texture from the standard couscous salad too.

Fried Couscous Balls This recipe is just a starting point. You can adapt it to pretty much anything. Be careful with wet ingredients that it doesn’t get too wet and fall apart – start with less and add more as needed. Also, you don’t need to use egg, but it’s more fragile without the egg.

Another delicious flavour combination is couscous with shredded chicken in tomato and basil sauce. Add feta to the centre of the balls, and follow the instructions for cooking!

Tip: Plan to make a few more than you need as some will break and fall apart. They still taste great, and can be eaten anyway, but not ideal if you’re looking for presentation brownie-points.

Fried Couscous Balls Or Patties
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I use a basic formula when I make couscous salad, and no two are ever the same. It's quite simple: 1 part meat, equal amounts vegetables, and herbs & spices to taste. For the leftovers, I simply mix in an egg. Done. It couldn't really be simpler! It's hard to give an exact recipe though, as that kind of negates the point of using the leftovers - just play around with it. It's worth it!
Serves: 10 balls
For the couscous
  • 300g dry couscous
  • 200g pancetta or diced bacon, cooked
  • 2 spring onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 10g (2 tsp) Ras el hanout or other favourite spice mix. (Chinese 5 spices, BBQ etc)
For the balls/patties
  • 300g prepared couscous (roughly)
  • 1 egg, whisked
If making couscous especially for this recipe
  1. Bring 500g water (2 cups in a kettle) or stock to the boil.
  2. Switch off the heat and stir in 300g couscous and spices.
  3. Add a tablespoon of butter if you used a water based stock. If you used a meat stock you are unlikely to need the extra fat.
  4. Chop cooked bacon, spring onions, garlic finely. (10 seconds, speed 4 in Thermomix) and add to couscous.
  5. Leave to cool.
If using leftover couscous
  1. Once cool, whisk an egg and add to the mixture to help it stick together. You don't have to use an egg, but they are a lot more fragile without it.
  2. Form either balls or patties in the palm of your hand.
  3. Meanwhile heat a frying pan to medium heat with a small amount of oil. Add the balls to the frying pan and leave for 2 - 3 minutes until they become golden and crispy. Turn over, remembering that they are more fragile than e.g. meatballs. The browner and crisper the outer layer, the better they will hold together. Everything in the patties that needs to be cooked, like the pancetta or bacon, is already cooked so you're just trying to crisp it up.
  4. Once golden on all sides, remove to a serving dish and serve immediately as a snack or as a side dish to meat, salad or similar.




Sri Lankan Devilled Pork Recipe

I’m not a fan of spicy food, and put a stack of take away fliers down in front of me and I’ll never go for the Indian or similarly spiced option. That said, whenever I’ve made anything vaguely curry-ish in nature, I’ve really enjoyed it. Strange, isn’t it.

This recipe is fantastic. Honestly, the richness of flavours is out of this world. Specially since it’s not a spice combination I’m accustomed to. And I don’t even like strong tomato flavours. But this, I enjoy! Sri Lankan Mild Devilled Pork“Devilled” is the generally given adjective for when something is highly spiced – which I’ve come to realise doesn’t have to mean hot. Traditionally this recipe would have some chilies added to it. If you like chilies, go wild. I don’t like hot food, and I’m feeding a five and a three year old too, so we don’t add chilies.

I find food like this so hard to photograph. I look at this picture and see a symphony of flavour, but without having eaten it, it probably looks a bit weird. Sorry about that. It’s fantastically flavorsome though. Take my word for it!


Sri Lankan Mild Devilled Pork Serve this with Baharat Spiced Meatballs with yoghurt and garlic butter to cut the spices a little. It makes a nice shared meal.


Sri Lankan Devilled Pork
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A forgiving recipe that lets you adjust the seasoning and flavours to your preference. Sri Lankan curry is a blend of coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, cassia bark, fenugreek seeds, cloves, cardamon, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, kashmiri chilli & turmeric - buy one ready made or mix your own before starting this recipe.
Recipe type: Meat
Cuisine: Sri Lankan
Serves: 4
  • 1 tbs cider vinegar
  • 1 tbs soy sauce
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • 500g pork
  • 1 large onion
  • 320g (can) tomatoes
  • 4 - 6 garlic cloves
  • 3 tsp Sri Lankan Curry Powder
  • Lemon rind
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Cut Pork into 1' chunks
  2. Place marinade ingredients in the Thermomix bowl, and mix, speed 5/10 seconds. Add chopped meat and mix speed 1/15 seconds
  3. Set aside to marinate for at least 45 minutes
  4. (Don't worry about cleaning the bowl)
  5. In the Thermomix, drop the onion over running blades (speed 4).
  6. Heat a pan to medium heat. and add the marinated pork with the marinade. Cook until the juices have reduced to a thick gravy. Add the tomatoes, onion and garlic. Also add salt & Sri Lankan Curry Powder to taste.
  7. Stir to prevent burning, till all the liquid is gone.
  8. In the meantime, fill the Thermomix with water, and cook rice per the usual method. You can add your choice of Asian vegetables to the Varoma at this point too.
  9. Sprinkle with grated lemon rind
  10. Serve the rice with soy sauce and Sri Lankan Devilled Pork.
Regular Instructions
  1. Cut Pork into 1' chunks
  2. Place marinade ingredients in a bowl, and mix together.. Add chopped meat and stir till it's all covered.
  3. Set aside to marinate for at least 45 minutes
  4. Slice the onion finely.
  5. Heat a pan to medium heat, and add the marinated pork with the marinade. Cook until the juices have reduced to a thick gravy. Add the tomatoes, onion and garlic. Also add salt & Sri Lankan Curry Powder to taste.
  6. Stir to prevent burning, till all the liquid is gone.
  7. In the meantime cook rice per your usual method.
  8. Sprinkle with grated lemon rind
  9. Serve the rice with soy sauce and Sri Lankan Devilled Pork.

South African Thermomix Vetkoek

I love Vetkoek, it reminds me of growing up, of my dad coming home on a Friday with a bag of ready made dough from the shop, chopping it up and making vetkoek, which he’d put into a big cream-coloured bowl and we’d all crowd round eating warm fresh vetkoek filled with cheese, mince, syrup or apricot jam. Sometimes we have it with a chicken mayonnaise filling, and sometimes I’d simply have it on it’s own.Vetkoek


While you can try to compare a vetkoek with a doughnut, it doesn’t taste like a doughnut, it’s more savoury, but still a little sweet. Actually, there’s nothing I can think of to compare the flavour to – it’s it’s own thing.

Your choice of fillings is endless – pretty much anything goes, but for us the favourites are cheese, mince, chicken, syrup, and apricot jam, as I said above.

South African Thermomix Vetkoek
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 10
  • 210g water (room temp)
  • 280g unbleached bread flour
  • 1 (5g) teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon (3g) sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoons (7g) fast-rising active dry yeast (I use this one)
  • oil, for deep-frying
  1. Pour water into the Thermomix bowl.
  2. Add dry ingredients finishing with the yeast.
  3. Mix 10 seconds/ speed 6
  4. Then 3:30 minutes/ kneading setting
  5. Remove and set aside to rise
  6. When doubled in size (about 90 minutes) divide into 10 balls on lightly floured surface. Flatten slightly in the palm of your hand.
  7. Let rise for ½ hour. (Use this time to prepare your filling)
  8. Warm oil in deep pot– oil should be about 2 inches deep – on medium heat. Drop a thumbnail sized bit of dough into the pan. If it sizzles it's hot enough, and once the tiny bit of dough has risen to the top, remove it and start cooking your vetkoek.
  9. Add the dough balls one at a time, depending on the size of your pot, about 5 or 6 at a time. They will swell up so don't overfill the pot.
  10. Fry vetkoek for about 5 minutes a side, but keep an eye on it. If they blacken too quickly, they'll still be raw inside, and your oil is too hot. If the oil is not hot enough, the vetkoek will absorb lots of oil and be gross.
  11. They should be the color of doughnuts when ready. Golden delicious.
  12. Drain on kitchen towels or in a colander.
  13. As soon as you can bear to touch them, slice open and fill.
  14. Enjoy.


Thermomix Bobotie

In a home with children there are so many fun and celebratory dates in March, (St David’s Day, 1st, Dr Seuss birthday, 2nd, World Book Day, 5th, St Patrick’s Day, 17th) and I think it’s a great thing, because as Mothering Sunday (15th, this year) etches nearer, my heart grows heavier, and as the 1st of April approaches, I feel downright sad, thinking of my mother’s birthday.South African Bobotie Recipe

One of the things that I think about when I think about my mom is life as I knew it, growing up as a child in South Africa, so this month I’m paying homage to my mom, and to my history, and taking the time to convert some of the nation’s favourite recipes from her old and tattered recipe book to Thermomix recipes too.

There are a lot of Bobotie recipes online, and despite BBC Good Food’s instructions, it’s NOT pronounced bo-boor-tie, but bo-boo-tie. No R, please. The double ‘o’ is like the o’s in moor.

But yes, there are a hundred adaptations available online. This one is what I consider the original though. It’s from Magdaleen van Wyk’s The Complete South African Cookbook  published in 1980. It’s a very mild bobotie, and while it’s absolutely delicious as is – and even better reheated the next day – we double the spices (flavour, not heat).

South African Bobotie Recipe

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Bobotie freezes really well. Make it up to the end of step 5, then freeze. To prepare, thaw, and add the eggs, milk and bay leaves before baking.
Recipe type: TM31, Main Meal
Cuisine: South African
Serves: 8
  • 1 slice white bread
  • 1 onion
  • 90g blanched almonds
  • 65g seedless raisins
  • 1 tbs apricot jam (we adjust to 2)
  • 1 tbs fruit chutney (we adjust to 2)
  • 1kg minced beef
  • 25g lemon juice
  • 2 tsp curry powder (we adjust to 3)
  • 1 tsp turmeric (we adjust to 2)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 125g milk (plus about 60g)
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C
  2. Soak the bread in half (125ml) the milk. Add the onion to the Thermomix bowl and chop speed 5/10 seconds
  3. Add whole almonds and chop speed 5/ 10 seconds (adjust if using crushed or sliced almonds)
  4. Add raisins, half the mince, jam, chutney, lemon juice, curry powder, turmeric and salt.
  5. Squeeze the milk out the bread and add bread to bowl
  6. Mix REVERSE BLADES/speed 3/ 45 seconds.
  7. In a large frying pan, I use a wok, melt the butter and add the meat mixture AND THE REST OF THE MEAT to it, and brown lightly, (don't overcook) before turning it out into a casserole dish.
  8. Break the eggs into the Thermomix and pour the bread milk in, and top up to 125g. Mix speed 5/10 seconds, then pour over the meat. Garnish with the bay leaves.
  9. Bake for about 50 minutes or until golden brown.


Breakfast Pikelets With Berry Compote

A quick and easy breakfast option, Pikelets are perfect for Australia day celebrations. The funny thing is, we’ve been making them for years, but in South Africa we knew them as flapjacks, and in the UK we know them as crumpets – though my husband and I have an ongoing debate as to what exactly makes a crumpet… it’s one of those things that we’ll simply never agree on. 
Thermomix Pikelets

The compote here can be made from any berries or fruit, but using frozen fruit means you shouldn’t need to add water, while using fresh fruit might require a little bit of added water. There aren’t specific instructions here because it’s quite a forgiving way of making fruit. Just be mindful that fresh berries will need less time to stew than frozen will, and that your fruit and the age of your fruit will determine the sweetness. Don’t be afraid to taste test.

Thermomix Pikelets with Berry Compote


Breakfast Pikelets With Berry Compote
Prep time
Cook time
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We call them crumpets in the UK, flapjacks in SA and pancakes in the US, but in Australia they're pikelets and they're a perfect Australia day breakfast.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 20
  • 320g (2 cups) flour
  • 125g (1/2 cup) sugar
  • 370g (1.5 cups) milk
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of salt
  • handful of berries
  • squirt of lemon juice
  • teaspoon of sugar
  • optional two spoons icing sugar
  1. Put a frying pan on medium heat. Add ingredients to the Thermomix bowl, and mix until a smooth consistency is reached, approx 20 seconds/ speed 3.
  2. Make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Whether you add butter or oil to your pan here depends on your pan. Oil if needed.
  4. Spoon a tablespoon at a time into a hot frying pan, until it cooks through - you'll know by the bubbles forming on top. Flip the pikelets - crumpets, or pancakes, whatever you call them! - over to the other side so that they'll cook there too.
  5. Continue on till all the batter is finished.
  6. While you're frying the pikelets, make the berry compote.
  7. The details here are a little sketchy. I had a few left over bits of frozen strawberry in a bag, and squirted some lemon juice with a teaspoon of sugar into a pan on low heat, leaving it to simmer till it was thick, about 10 minutes. You can add extra sugar/icing sugar if you want it sweeter too.
  8. Pour over the pikelets and enjoy.


Thermomix Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto Recipe

This year I grew butternut squash in my garden for the first time. Between the slugs, the lack of sunlight and the fact that we’re moving soon, they’ve remained small, but perfectly butternut shaped. I’m quite pleased, actually!

Butternut Squash is perfect for this time of year – it’s light but filling, and can used in a variety of dishes.

Butternut Squash Risotto

Since we’re moving in a week, we’re trying to use up a lot of store cupboard supplies, and one of those is Risotto, so today I made this roasted butternut squash risotto for our lunch. It’s slightly different from my usual, in that I didn’t have wine or home made stock, but I was very pleased with how it worked out!

5.0 from 1 reviews
Thermomix Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto Recipe
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Recipe type: Main
Serves: 4
  • 50 g parmesan cheese cubed
  • 1 medium onion, halved
  • 1 tbs white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbs dried sage
  • 50 g olive oil
  • 400 g arborio rice
  • 1000g stock/water
  • 10g butter
  • 1 Butternut Squash, sliced
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • *handful of fresh sage, if you have.
  1. Heat the oven to 190C.
  2. Layer sliced butternut squash on a tray, drizzle with oil and salt, and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. After 10 mins*, put the Parmesan into the thermomix bowl & pulverise for 10 seconds Speed 9 and set aside.
  4. Place the onion and oil in the bowl & chop for 5 sec on speed 4.
  5. Saute for 3 mins at 100C on reverse speed 1.
  6. Add rice and white wine vinegar and dried sage into bowl & saute for 2 mins at 100C on reverse speed spoon.
  7. Add stock and water and cook for 15 mins at 100C on reverse speed spoon.
  8. Add butter and cheese and stir. If you have two bowls, swap over, otherwise empty the bowl and put half of the butternut squash in the bowl. Put the MC in place and pulse on turbo four or five times till it's pureed.
  9. Mix the squash into the risotto and season to taste.
  10. Sprinkle with fresh sage leaves, if you have.
  11. *Use those ten minutes to lightly fry sage leaves, if you have them. Set aside for topping.


Peppermint Salt Scrub Recipe

peppermintI really love this Peppermint Salt Scrub for being both refreshing and having only a few ingredients, all of which you can find in your kitchen, and with names you can pronounce, like… salt… and oil. Now, if you have a sensitive skin you may want to test a patch of this Peppermint Salt Scrub first, as it can dry the skin out a little (although the oil should balance that out for normal skins). You should use it as a body scrub, but salt crystal are probably a bit harsh on the face.

A salt scrub is deliciously soothing, and will leave your skin titillating and radiant looking.

Sweet Almond oil has calming and anti-inflammatory has calming and anti-inflammatory properties, it moisturises, restores and softens skin.

Peppermint essential oil is used to relieve skin irritation and itchiness and also helps to reduce skin redness, where inflammation is present. It is used for dermatitis, acne, ringworm, scabies and also relieves itching, sunburn and inflammation of the skin, while at the same time having a cooling action. Peppermint oil should be used sparingly in pregnancy, when breastfeeding or on children under 7.

I was making this for Christmas, so wanted to make a candy cane effect you often see in DIY products on Pinterest, but I didn’t see the point in using organic salt, peppermint essential oil and an organic sweet almond oil, and then add a red food colouring… so I used dehydrated beetroot instead. This is non-essential. You can leave it white. Or you can make it all coloured, nice and pink for Valentine’s day would be good.

Peppermint Salt Scrub
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A quick and easy DIY beauty product, a very simple gift, and a lovely way to pamper without the chemicals or great expense
Recipe type: Beauty
Cuisine: Non-Food
Serves: 1 cup
  • 1 cup organic rock salt (not fine salt and definitely not table salt)
  • 1 cup sweet almond oil
  • 6 drops peppermint essential oil
  • Optional dried beetroot powder to colour
  1. Add all the ingredients to a bowl.
  2. Mix
  3. (If you are doing layers, halve the mix, add the beetroot and mix again. Dish tablespoonsfull into the container, alternating white and pink/red)
  4. Scoop into a clean glass container.
In the Thermomix:
  1. Put everything in the bowl
  2. Speed 2/Reverse/ 30 seconds
  3. (If you are doing layers, halve the mix, add the beetroot and mix again. Dish tablespoonsfull into the container, alternating white and pink/red)
  4. Scoop into a clean glass container.