Thermomix Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto Recipe

This year I grew butternut squash in my garden for the first time. Between the slugs, the lack of sunlight and the fact that we’re moving soon, they’ve remained small, but perfectly butternut shaped. I’m quite pleased, actually!

Butternut Squash is perfect for this time of year – it’s light but filling, and can used in a variety of dishes.

Butternut Squash Risotto

Since we’re moving in a week, we’re trying to use up a lot of store cupboard supplies, and one of those is Risotto, so today I made this roasted butternut squash risotto for our lunch. It’s slightly different from my usual, in that I didn’t have wine or home made stock, but I was very pleased with how it worked out!

5.0 from 1 reviews
Thermomix Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto Recipe
Prep time
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Total time
Recipe type: Main
Serves: 4
  • 50 g parmesan cheese cubed
  • 1 medium onion, halved
  • 1 tbs white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbs dried sage
  • 50 g olive oil
  • 400 g arborio rice
  • 1000g stock/water
  • 10g butter
  • 1 Butternut Squash, sliced
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • *handful of fresh sage, if you have.
  1. Heat the oven to 190C.
  2. Layer sliced butternut squash on a tray, drizzle with oil and salt, and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. After 10 mins*, put the Parmesan into the thermomix bowl & pulverise for 10 seconds Speed 9 and set aside.
  4. Place the onion and oil in the bowl & chop for 5 sec on speed 4.
  5. Saute for 3 mins at 100C on reverse speed 1.
  6. Add rice and white wine vinegar and dried sage into bowl & saute for 2 mins at 100C on reverse speed spoon.
  7. Add stock and water and cook for 15 mins at 100C on reverse speed spoon.
  8. Add butter and cheese and stir. If you have two bowls, swap over, otherwise empty the bowl and put half of the butternut squash in the bowl. Put the MC in place and pulse on turbo four or five times till it's pureed.
  9. Mix the squash into the risotto and season to taste.
  10. Sprinkle with fresh sage leaves, if you have.
  11. *Use those ten minutes to lightly fry sage leaves, if you have them. Set aside for topping.


Raw Ferrero Bliss Balls Recipe

Ferrero Bliss Balls

I discovered these hazelnut and chocolate beauties quite by accident. I was trying to make hazelnut flour but left the nuts going in the food processor for too long and ended up with hazelnut butter. I added cocoa powder and coconut oil and came up with a beautiful chocolate spread alternative, which has lasted for over a month in the fridge without going off.

Ferrero Bliss BallsThese are so delicious, popped in a jar with a ribbon on, they’re easily made into gifts too.

You can find this and 20 more recipes in Bliss Balls For Beginners, available here for $3.50/£2.99.

5.0 from 1 reviews
Raw “Ferrero” Bliss Balls Recipe
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Total time
Our version of Ferrero Rocher, but raw and healthy. These keep well in cool weather for up to a month, so make perfect special occasion gifts.
Recipe type: Raw, Sweets
Serves: 20 bliss balls
For the hazelnut chocolate "sauce":
  • 75g hazelnuts
  • 5g cocoa(feel free to adjust this for a more or less chocolatey result)
  • 20g coconut oil
For the Bliss Balls:
  • 100g hazelnuts
  • 150g dates
  • 45g oats
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Blend the first set of hazelnuts to a fine crumb speed 4, 5 seconds
  2. Add the cocoa and coconut oil and mix on speed 9, 90 seconds
  3. Add the remaining hazelnuts, dates, and oats.
  4. Mix well about speed 4/ 20 seconds.
  5. The mixture looks like loose crumbs when you're done. Take a small handful, and press it together, then roll into a ball.
  6. You can eat it right away, but put it aside to allow the coconut oil to hold it all together, and it'll be nicer cold too.


Cacao Nibs As A Crio Bru Substitute

I cant speak to its effectiveness in every recipe that calls for the much sought after Crio Bru, but I can say that when brewed as a coffee-style drink, cacao nibs are a perfectly suitable substitute for the hard-to-find and expensive Crio Bru variety.

Last weekend I was very lucky and thrilled to attend a workshop with Tenina Holder, who is quite possibly one of the people responsible for the rise in demand for this cacao by-product.

The thing is, its really hard to find in the UK. You can buy it on Amazon, but its pricey and import duties make it crazy expensive.

So whats a girl on a budget to do?

Experiment, of course.

I have bags and bags of organic cacao nibs at home, bought because of the health benefits, but not always used quite as often as I could.

DIY Crio BruI poured 25g of raw cacao nibs into the Thermomix and ground it on speed 10 for one minute. I could vaguely smell the chocolate. I then brewed the powder as I would any coffee, and tentatively took a sip. Well. It tasted of nothing. And not a very good nothing. I added sugar and milk and it tasted of nothing, with sugar and milk. Fail.

The next day I decided that to replace Crio Bru with cacao nibs, it would need to be roasted. So I lay 50g of cacao nibs on a baking tray and put it in a hot oven – 180C – for 6 minutes. I dont know why six, but six, determining that it would be best to be guided by the smell as I didn’t want burnt beans either.

Well, after about 4 mins the kitchen was filled with a beautiful chocolatey aroma and after two more minutes, the cacao nibs were a dark crunchy brown. In the Thermomix for 10 seconds at speed 10 and they were all powdered.

Two heaped teaspoons went into the Boden cafetiere, and the rest into a sealable jar. Like with any decent coffee I boiled the water, then gave it a few seconds to cool so it didn’t scald the powdered cacao nibs, poured in and left to brew for about two minutes before pouring.

Crio Bru2

The difference was amazing and immediately obvious.

I had a few sips as is, and it was fine, but then added milk and a small teaspoon of rapadura, and thoroughly enjoyed it! It does look a bit like a weak tea, but the flavour and smell are fantastic!

Crio Bru3

I know Tenina said that in time you can pick out just by taste which flavour of the Crio Bru you’re drinking, and perhaps if you’re used to drinking Crio Bru you wont like the home roasted cacao beans, but as someone without those specific beans to compare it to, I think its lovely! I’m also sure that you could subtly flavour it, perhaps with dried orange peel in the brew, or perhaps soaking the beans before roasting them (which would take longer to roast) but what I do know for sure is that raw organic cacao nibs are a perfect substitute when drinking Crio Bru.

*Tenina also recommends brewing it for 10 minutes in the Thermomix with your milk for the best flavour. I haven’t tried that yet.

(If you’re interested, these are the Cacao Nibs I use.)

How To Cook A Whole Chicken In The Thermomix Varoma

There’s been a lot of chatter on the UK Thermomix Owners Facebook group about how to cook a whole chicken in a Varoma. As it happened, the day Maria of FeistyTapas set the challenge, I found a chicken reduced to £3 on it’s sell by date and decided it was a sufficiently cheap amount to ‘gamble’ with. Well, the gamble paid off, and the chicken was amazing! It was so moist and succulent, I couldn’t believe it, and I’m definitely a convert!How to cook a whole chicken in a Varoma

There are as many flavour combinations as chickens in the world, so you can change it up as you like, but what I did do that worked very well, was to add flavour to the steaming water as well as the chicken skin.

Obviously this is steamed chicken,  so you’re not going to get a nice crunchy chicken skin, but 10 minutes at 200C in a hot oven crisps the skin up just fine if you want a roast-like bird. If you’re going to be chopping it up for other things, there’s no need, really, for that final step.

5.0 from 2 reviews
How To Cook A Whole Chicken In The Thermomix Veroma
Prep time
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Total time
Add any flavours you like, to suit your accompaniments. You could steam potatoes or other vegetables with the chicken, but be aware of air flow and circulation around the Veroma, Some people put chop sticks in to allow for air flow, but I don't. I just lightly steam the veg with the same water while the chicken is crisping up or resting.
Recipe type: Varoma, Main Meal
Cuisine: Steamed
Serves: 4 -6
  • 1.3kg Whole chicken
  • Smoked paprika and salt for rubbing on chicken
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 450g chicken stock (already mixed with water as per instructions)
  • Few drops fish sauce (Nam Pla)
  • Teaspoon soy sauce
  1. Clean out the inside of the chicken and if the feet are trussed, cut them loose.
  2. Sprinkle smoked paprika and salt (or other herbs and spices) on the chicken and place skin side up in the Varoma. If you're worried about sticking, oil the Varoma first.
  3. In the bowl, chop the garlic 3 seconds/speed 6
  4. Add the chicken stock, the fish sauce and the soy sauce
  5. Place the Varoma on the Thermomix, and steam at Speed 2/Varoma/60 mins.
  6. Pierce the chicken to see if the juices are running clear. If so, it is cooked.
  7. If you want to crisp the skin, preheat the oven to 200C. Remove from the Varoma, and rub on some oil, and put in the oven for 10 mins or until it's the desired crispiness.
  8. In the meantime, steam your vegetables in the Varoma using the same, already hot water.
  9. If you don't wan to crisp the skin, set aside to cool down and use as desired.


Good For You Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

No bake chocolate macarroonsNo bake chocolate macarroons

I love chocolate way more than I should and a lot more than I wish I did. I’m always looking for ways to indulge the craving for cocoa without piling on the sugar, largely because when I do, my kids do and the whole harmony of the home kind of falls apart.

This recipe is originally from Oh She Glows|, but I’ve been playing with it to both adapt it to our tastes, and change the recipe for the Thermomix, meaning it’s in grams rather than cups, which makes it easier for me and my Thermie friends to use.

No bake chocolate macarroonsNo bake chocolate macarroons

I’m pretty sure you could be really flexible on it too – we made something similar from a cook book I had as a child, which used boiled sugar and tasted amazing, but added oats. You could probably add raisins quite successfully too, or other dried fruit. the options are rather endless. I imagine candied orange peel would make a perfect Christmassy – slash -winterry treat too.

Just remember that it’s held together by coconut oil, which means if it gets warm it’ll start disintegrating. They recommend freezing it over on Oh She Glows, but popping it in the fridge or in a lunch box with an ice block seems to work just fine for us.

No bake chocolate macarroons

Since this is no cook, no bake it’s perfect for kids to help with too.

Good For You Chocolate Macaroons
Prep time
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Total time
This recipe is an adaptation from another, and I've made a few changes to it. The recipe below includes the ingredients from the original recipe as optional extras. It's delicious, but a little too much banana in my chocolate fix, though I do tend to make it that way for the children.
Recipe type: Snacks, Sweets
Cuisine: Thermomix, Paleo
Serves: 15 - 24
  • 50g Coconut Oil (1/4 cup)
  • 70g honey or syrup (1/4 cup)
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 30 - 50g cocoa powder (1/3 cup) (Cacao for Paleo)
  • pinch of fine sea salt or Himalayan pink salt
  • 150g shredded unsweetened coconut (1.5 cups)
  • (optional) banana
  • (optional) tablespoon chia seeds
Regular Instructions
  1. Melt the coconut oil in a pot - this requires 37C, i.e. body heat, and is still considered raw, or uncooked.
  2. Add the honey or syrup and stir till it's all mixed and liquid and remove from heat
  3. Add the vanilla extract
  4. (If using banana, mash it and add to the mix)
  5. Add 30g cocoa first then add the coconut
  6. (Add chia seeds if using)
  7. Stir till it's all combined
  8. Taste the mix too see if it's the right amount of chocolatey. If you want it 'darker' add more cocoa powder till it's right for you. Mix again.
  9. Scoop out onto a tray, or into moulds and refrigerate until it hardens.
  10. Keep cool as it will fall apart if the coconut oil gets too warm.
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Put the coconut oil in the bowl, and melt 37C/Speed 1/ 20 Seconds
  2. Add the honey or syrup and mix 37C/Speed 1/ 30 Seconds.
  3. Add the vanilla extract
  4. (If using banana, add it now in three pieces, speed 5/10 seconds - make sure to put the MC in place!)
  5. Add 30g cocoa first then add the coconut
  6. (Add chia seeds if using)
  7. Mix speed 2/ 15 seconds
  8. Taste the mix too see if it's the right amount of chocolatey. If you want it 'darker' add more cocoa powder till it's right for you. Mix again speed 2/15 seconds.
  9. Scoop out onto a tray, or into moulds and refrigerate until it hardens.
  10. Keep cool as it will fall apart if the coconut oil gets too warm.


Asparagus, Prosciutto & Champagne Risotto

Sometimes the most amazing things happen when you least expect it. This was one of them. I was looking round the kitchen thinking how I had no idea what I was going to make for dinner, when I remembered the asparagus in the freezer from a trip to a pick your own asparagus place with my girls.

AparagusI also have a huge supply of Risotto rice at the moment, so the obvious answer was Asparagus Risotto, a la the Fast And Easy Cookbook for Thermomix UK. But, I also had a left over bottle of champagne – that’s a bottle of booze that wasn’t finished the day it’s opened, don’t worry, a few years back I wouldn’t have known that either 😉 – and some prosciutto from our recent meat box delivery and chicken stock from the whole chicken I managed to make in my Veroma last week.

Well, this combination proved to be my favourite risotto to date. I hope you enjoy it too!

*If you don’t have a Thermomix you can still make this recipe using a traditional Risotto recipe, but substituting the wine for champagne, and the other additions for prosciutto and asparagus.

Aparagus Risotto

Asparagus, Prosciutto & Champagne Risotto
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I should warn you that this is a very rich dish, but it is beautiful. Just a rush of beautiful flavour, and I would encourage you to use the best quality prosciutto you can. This recipe is an adaptation from the Asparagus Risotto recipe in the Fast and Easy Cooking TM31 book.
Recipe type: Main Meal
Serves: 4
  • 80g parmesan
  • 200g asparagus
  • 20g olive oil
  • 250g risotto rice
  • 200g champagne of your choice
  • 450g chicken stock
  • 30g butter
  • 8 strips of prosciutto
  • freshly ground pepper
  1. Run your Thermomix at speed 8, and drop 80g of parmesan cheese in for 5 seconds. Set aside.
  2. Cut asparagus tips and add them to the cheese. Put the stalks in the bowl and chop 7 seconds/speed 5.
  3. Add oil and cook for 3 minutes/100C/Speed 1.
  4. Add the champagne, stock and risotto rice and cook for 15 minutes/100C/Spoon Speed Reverse, making sure the measuring cup is in to maintain the liquid.
  5. When it's done the rice should be firm but edible. If needed add another minute or two.
  6. In the meantime, tear the prosciutto into strips.
  7. When the rice is cooked, add the butter, parmesan, prosciutto and asparagus tips, and stir using a spoon.
  8. Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper, and serve immediately.



Strawberries in Cardamom or Vanilla Syrup

Strawberries in syrupWhile I use frozen fruit, it’s not a favourite as I don’t always like the consistency once it defrosts. A great way to save fruit for the winter months is by freezing it though, so rather than just saving as is, I’ve made strawberries to freeze in a syrup, so that when they are defrosted, you have a ready made desert to have on yoghurt, as is, on a cheesecake or on ice cream if you’re so inclined.

Add a flavouring of your choice to infuse for a whole flavour sensation.

You can use them later in the summer on ice cream, or eat them as is. Or save them for the festive season to fill up a glass of fizz – or to bring a sweet pleasant surprise to lemonade in the summer. I’m sure you’ll find a way to enjoy the strawberries in flavoured syrup.

Strawberries in Cardamom or Vanilla Syrup
Cook time
Total time
The amount of strawberries depend on the size of your container and the strawberries themselves. I used two 500ml kilner jars, and didn't overfill them although I could probably have put a few more strawberries in each jar. You need to put enough syrup in that the strawberries are covered. I have chosen cardamom pods and vanilla pods for the two jars, but you can use anything you like - orange peel, liquer, whatever takes your fancy.
Recipe type: Desert, Snack
Cuisine: Foraged, Make Ahead, Freezer
Serves: 700ml
  • 700g water
  • 140g sugar
  • Flavouring: cardamom/vanilla etc
  • 1 punnet of strawberries
In the thermomix
  1. Add the water and sugar
  2. Boil Veroma/Speed 1/ 10 mins
  3. Leave to cool completely
  4. Fill containers with fresh strawberries and pour the cool syrup over it and add the flavours.
  5. Place in the freezer, giving it time to naturally defrost when you want to use it.
Regular cooking
  1. Add the water and sugar
  2. Bring to the boil for 10 mins
  3. Leave to cool completely
  4. Fill containers with fresh strawberries and pour the cool syrup over it and add the flavours.
  5. Place in the freezer, giving it time to naturally defrost when you want to use it.


Strawberry Elderflower Jam Recipe

Strawberries in Syrup

Strawberry and Elderflower JamI took the children fruit picking and foraging this week and we had a fantastic haul, certainly more than we could eat, so I made beautiful fresh Strawberry and Elderflower jam. In the Thermomix it’s such a simple recipe too – no thermometer required. I love this recipe!


Strawberry Elderflower Jam Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
If you're not using jam sugar you need to cut a grannysmith apple in quarters and add it to the mixtures. I use jamming sugar for this recipe. If you don't use Elderflower, add an extra 10g strawberries
Recipe type: Jam, Condiments
Cuisine: Foraged
Serves: 400ml
  • 250g jam sugar
  • 440g strawberries
  • 10g Elderflower
  • 2 tbs lemon juice (or ½ fresh lemon juice)
In the Thermomix
  1. Put the jam sugar in the bowl and turbo two or three times to make it finer.
  2. Add the strawberries and elderflowers, if using, and mix Speed 4/10 Seconds
  3. Add the lemon juice.
  4. Boil Veroma/ Spoon Speed/18 Minutes
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.


Flourless Grain-Free Dairy Free Almond Lemon Drizzle

Grain Free Dairy Free Almond Lemon DrizzleSince my gall bladder problems started, I’ve been focusing a lot on grain free recipes, but that means I really miss things like cake. Fortunately almond flour is easy to come by – I have a Thermomix, so I make it from whole almonds – and it’s good for gall bladder health too.

There’s a fair bit of sugar in this one. I want to try it with Rapadura, but my husband doesn’t like Rapadura so I don’t want to try it on a cake he has to eat.

I made these in a brownie pan, which I use for a lot of our snacks because they are then cut into squares and the children recognise them as snacktime treats. You can of course use a round pan or anything you fancy.

Also, I pour the drizzle over the hot cake so it will sink in. If you like it to look drizzled, you can wait till the cake is cool. 

Flourless Grain-Free Almond Lemon Drizzle
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Desert, Snack
Cuisine: Free From, Gluten Free
Serves: 20
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom/5 cardamom pods
  • 1½ cup (170 g) almonds or almond flour
  • 4 room temperature eggs, separated
  • ½ cup (100g) white sugar
  • 1 lemon's zest
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon white or cider vinegar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 50g Powdered sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
Thermomix Instructions
  1. If you are using cardamom pods, put them in the Thermomix on reverse/speed 5/ 10 seconds. Remove the husks from the bowl, add the almonds. Speed 8/10 - 20 seconds to make almond flour.
  2. If you have a second bowl, now's the time to use it. Otherwise pour the flour out and add clean the bowl thoroughly.
  3. Separate the egg whites and yolks.
  4. Add the whites to the Thermomix bowl. Put the butterfly in, and whisk at speed 2 for 15 seconds, then go up to speed 4 and whisk until they start to look firm (around 2 minutes)
  5. Meanwhile, add half the sugar to the egg yolks along with the lemon zest.
  6. Returning to the egg whites, when they form peaks, add a pinch of salt, and the vinegar. This will help the egg whites keep their form. Add the other half of the sugar gradually - over about 20 seconds. This whole egg white process shouldn't take more than 3 minutes.
  7. Now for some manual work. You could do this in the Thermomix, but I love watching the transformation of the 'flour'.
  8. Mix the egg yolk mixture into the almond mixture. It'll be quite pasty and hard to work with.
  9. Add two dollops of the egg white in the mixture, and stir. Then add two more and stir again. As you stir the whole mixture will become amazingly light and fluffy. Keep adding egg white till it's all mixed in.
  10. Transfer to your baking pan and put in the oven for 35 minutes.
  11. When there are 5 minutes left on the clock, cut your lemon in half and extract all the juice. Add the icing sugar and make a runny paste. When the lemon cake comes out of the oven, pour the sugary juice over it and leave to cool before tipping out the cake.
Regular Instructions
  1. If you are using cardamom pods, crack them open and remove the cardamom seeds. Crush them between two spoons or with a rolling pin (or use the ground cardamom spice!).
  2. Add to the almond flour.
  3. Separate the egg whites and yolks.
  4. Using an electric mixer, whip the egg whites until they start to look firm.
  5. Returning to the egg whites, when they form peaks, add a pinch of salt, and the vinegar. This will help the egg whites keep their form. Add half of the sugar gradually - over about 20 seconds.
  6. Add the other half of the sugar to the egg yolks along with the lemon zest.
  7. Mix the egg yolk mixture into the almond mixture. It'll be quite pasty and hard to work with.
  8. Add two dollops of the egg white in the mixture, and stir. Then add two more and stir again. As you stir the whole mixture will become amazingly light and fluffy. Keep adding egg white till it's all mixed in.
  9. Transfer to your baking pan and put in the oven for 35 minutes.
  10. When there are 5 minutes left on the clock, cut your lemon in half and extract all the juice. Add the icing sugar and make a runny paste. When the lemon cake comes out of the oven, pour the sugary juice over it and leave to cool before tipping out the cake.


Grain-Free Gluten Free Almond & Black Onion Seed Crackers

Black Onion Crackers

These are such lovely crackers. You can vary the flavour to suite your tastes and the dip you’re using. This one as written is exquisite with Wild Garlic Dip

Keep them in the freezer and use as required, or keep them in an airtight container and use in a day or two.  You’ll find them very filling and absolutely delicious and nutritious.


Grain-Free Crackers
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The beauty of these crackers is that by changing the black onion seed and oregano, you can make pretty much any flavour cracker - olive, rosemary and thyme, or cheese, just to name a few.
Recipe type: Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine: Grain Free, Gluten Free
Serves: 30
  • (300g) 2 cups almond flour
  • 1 tsp black onion seed, onion powder or other preferred seasoning
  • ½tsp oregano
  • ½tp sea salt
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp filter water
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C
  2. Put the almonds in the Thermomix Speed 10/ 10 seconds - you want flour, not butter!
  3. Add the black onion seeds, oregano and sea salt, mix Speed 4 / 5 seconds
  4. Add the oil, egg and water, and blend till all mixed (speed 4/ 10 seconds)
  5. Put the dough onto the baking try it'll go into the oven on.
  6. The dough is quite sticky, so if you can, roll it out between two sheets of baking paper, or flatten by hand.
  7. Cut the flattened dough into squares and place in the oven.
  8. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes, watching from about 10 minutes till the edges start going brown.
  9. Turn off the oven, and leave the door open, but leave the crackers to crisp up.
  10. Leave them on the tray for another half hour to cool down.
  11. Store in an airtight container. Can also be frozen,
Regular Instructions
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C
  2. Add Almond flour, black onion seeds, oregano and sea salt in a bowl, and mix.
  3. Add the oil, egg and water, and stir till well mixed.
  4. Put the dough onto the baking try it'll go into the oven on.
  5. The dough is quite sticky, so if you can, roll it out between two sheets of baking paper, or flatten by hand.
  6. Cut the flattened dough into squares and place in the oven.
  7. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes, watching from about 10 minutes till the edges start going brown.
  8. Turn off the oven, and leave the door open, but leave the crackers to crisp up.
  9. Leave them on the tray for another half hour to cool down.
  10. Store in an airtight container. Can also be frozen,