Top Tips for Storing Food

In the modern era, there are few problems as infuriating as food waste. Every year, we deposit vast piles of perfectly serviceable food into landfills across the country. When a piece of food approaches its sell-by-date, we often err on the side of caution, and throw it in the bin. If there’s already a piece of mould growing on it – however small – then few of us bother to try and cut it out; better instead to bin the whole thing.

But if we were to go too far in the other direction, and eat things even when they look and smell suspect, then we run a perhaps even greater risk – that we might contract some unpleasant (and potentially very serious) illness like salmonella. If you’ve ever suffered from food poisoning, then you’ll understandably prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to binning suspect food.

By properly storing food, we can help to eliminate both of these problems. Let’s take a look at some of the things we might do to achieve this.

Check the temperature of your fridge regularly

It should come as no surprise to anyone that a fridge needs to be able to maintain a stable temperature if it’s to do its job effectively. If said temperature should fluctuate wildly and constantly, then the food inside will go bad before its time.

In order to avoid this, it’s best to occasionally monitor the temperature of your fridge. Many fridges – particularly those in commercial premises where bad food can have legal consequences – come with built in thermometers, which allow this to be done easily – but cheap thermometers can easily be placed on the inside of your fridge, allowing you to quickly check the temperature every time you look inside. A temperature of around four degrees Celsius is ideal – temperature significantly higher might indicate a problem.

Sell by versus Use by versus Best Before

It’s worth addressing a point of confusion concerning the dates written on the side of food packages. ‘Sell by’ dates are there as a non-binding instruction to the shop; it’s still safe to eat food after it’s passed its ‘sell by’ date. ‘Best before’ dates serve a similar purpose – they’re attached to things like salad, and tell us when we should ideally eat a food by.

‘Use by’ dates, on the other hand, are there for the consumer. After something has gone past it’s use-by date, it’s recommended that you bin it.

Don’t place hot food straight into your fridgestoring food When you finish cooking a nice hot meal, whether it’s a bolognaise, a rendang or a chili-con-carne, you might find that you’ve made too much to eat in one sitting, and that you’re going to keep some for later. So, why not put the food straight into the fridge, piping hot?

Well, the trouble is that you fridge will have to work overtime in order to bring the hot food back down to temperature. And while this is happening, your hot meal will be radiating heat onto the surrounding items in the fridge – severely impacting its performance.

That said, it’s inadvisable to leave leftover food out for too long before storing it. Ideally, leave it for no longer than ninety minutes – and consume it within a couple of days.

Don’t put open cans in the fridge

storing foodTins of fruit, soups or coconut milk are rarely, if ever, consumed all in one go. You may be tempted to put the remainder in the fridge, but doing so is inadvisable, as the seal has been broken on the top of the can, allowing rust to creep in on the inside – causing tiny particulates of metal to break off and mingle with the food within. In order to avoid the health problems this can cause, be sure to transfer food from opened cans into a suitable , or into a bowl with cling-film stretched over the top.

Where to store eggs?

There is some debate over exactly where it’s best to store eggs. While many choose to store theirs at ambient temperatures, it’s probably marginally safer to chill yours in the fridge, especially if you live in a hot climate.

What about meat?

Meat – and particularly white meat – is something that can easily spread bacteria around your fridge. Be sure that any raw meat is kept in a sealed container, and that it’s on the bottom shelf of the fridge, in order to avoid any drips. Remember that bacteria can easily spread up and out of a container that isn’t properly sealed. When you do keep raw meat and poultry in a sealed container, you might notice condensation forming on the bottom of the lid – that’s the moisture from the meat that would otherwise be spreading across your fridge, taking all of the bacteria with it.

If you’re going to store cooked meat as leftovers, then be sure to keep it entirely separate from any raw meat you have in the fridge.


storing foodThus far, we’ve mostly concentrated on the fridge. But the freezer is another excellent way to keep food for much longer than its sell-by date. In order to use a freezer safely and effectively, however, you’ll need to follow a few basic principles.

Naturally, there’s no point in freezing food which has already passed its use-by date. Ideally, you’ll want to freeze your food on the day of purchase. If you’ve just bought an enormous side of beef, for example, you might want to carve it in two and keep one half in the freezer, and the other in the fridge for immediate cooking.

Be sure to defrost meat thoroughly before you come to cook it. You’ll want to keep it in the fridge to prevent it from exceeding the safe temperature, and to store it in a bowl in order to catch all of the bacteria-rich juice which will inevitably come from the bottom as it thaws. Once the meat has thawed, never re-freeze it: instead cook it within two days.

How To Pack Your Diet Full Of Fruit

We’re constantly being told by health professionals to make healthy choices when it comes to our diets, and although the threshold of how many portions of fruit we should eat a day changes, it’s clear that we should consume fruit as part of a healthy and balanced diet. fruit-bowl-1600035_960_720

Why fruit is beneficial

Fruits are full of fibre, vitamins and minerals all of which are essential in helping our bodies to function correctly. The way we eat fruit also impacts our overall health and well-being – sometimes it’s not just as simple as eating a piece of fruit, but the way we eat it that ensures our bodies absorb all the nourishment it can give. Whether fruit is fresh, canned or frozen it all works wonders for our health. For some, eating one portion of fruit is difficult, let alone eating five or more portions a day but it’s easier than you think to pack your diet full of fruit if you follow the tips below:

Breakfast done right

Eating fruit for breakfast or on an empty stomach is beneficial to our health as can cause the digestive system to work quickly, meaning that our stomachs can process the nutrients easier, overall benefiting our health. If you’re eating breakfast on the go, grab a slice of watermelon or pear, or perhaps add more fruit to your usual breakfast. Add cherries to your pancakes, apple and banana to your muesli or blueberries to your porridge.

Make the perfect combinations

Mixing fruits with other foods is another great way of packing your diet full of vitamins, minerals, fibre, potassium and folate. Simply finding the right combinations creates lots of opportunities to eat more tasty fruits at meal times. Try creating healthy main meals with fruit as a component, such as roast pork with apple stuffing, orange and fig salad, watermelon salsa or add tinned or frozen fruit to your stews and casseroles. It’s time to start getting creative in the kitchen and not just with main meals. Lots of desserts contain fruit or fruit can be added to pudding to make it more enjoyable. Top your ice cream with kiwi or lavish bananas in peanut butter and drizzle them with chocolate, eat them straight out the freezer, indulge in fruit kebabs, frozen fruit lollies or whip up a mouth-watering blackberry pie! Creating fruity desserts is a great way to get children involved and get them eating a fruit-filled diet.

Snack right

If you tend to eat three large meals a day, fruit is a perfect choice for those who like to snack. Taking fruit with you to the workplace or on days out makes it easier to get your extra portions. If you find munching on a piece of fruit too boring, change it up a bit! Mix strawberries into your yoghurt, add fruit to your favourite chocolate spread on toast or create a homemade fruit salad. Just a handful of dried fruit or cup of juicy grapes is enough to make up one portion.

Drink your way to 5-a-day

Juices and fruit smoothies are another way to boost your fruit intake, and you can create exciting flavours. Using 80g of two different fruits can increase your intake by up to two portions, but put a limit on how much you consume to 150ml a day, as too much sugar can affect the teeth.

Taste the rainbow with different fruit varieties, and remember, the more colourful food is; the better it is for your health. Red fruits, for instance, such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon are full of lycopene, whereas orange coloured fruit is overflowing with beta-carotene including peaches, oranges, mangos, apricots and nectarines, all of which help reduce both the signs of ageing and the risk of future health problems.

Essentials For The Perfect Barbeque

Summer has now been upon us for several weeks, and so at any given weekend we might decide to invite a few like-minded friends over to cook meat (or vegetables) out in the open air. But this pastime is one that requires a little finesse; the difference between a good barbeque and a great one lies both with getting the fundamentals right, and with adding those little touches that make all the difference.

In this article, we’ll take a look at exactly what’s needed to create a great barbeque. We’ll begin with the basics, and get progressively more advanced. With any luck, by the end you should find yourself with a perfect barbeque!flames-1526860_640 (2)

What different sorts of barbeque are there?

Traditionally, a barbeque is something quite unlike what Brits might recognise. In the American Deep South, where this practice took its roots in the 19th century, barbequing is done using indirect heat. A whole pig is placed in a sealed chamber, while a fire is lit in another. Smoke flows along a pipe which connects the two, and eventually out of a chimney. The result is succulent, slow-cooked pork which is infused with that distinctive, smoky flavour. Since pigs were wild animals and difficult to catch, eating them was a rarity – and a cause for celebration. Thus, communities would gather around the barbeque smoker, and eat the roast all afternoon.

In Britain, we have quite a different approach to the barbeque, which draws medium-high heat directly from hot coals. Barbeque grills are available in several different varieties. There are gas-powered ones, which heat your food using the same sorts of principles that the grill atop the stove in your kitchen might; there are coal-powered ones, which consist of little more than a bucket of metal with a griddle atop, which can be filled with charcoal. Simply light them up, and you’ve created a rudimentary oven grill. At the bottom end of the market are disposable barbeque trays, which come in a flimsy foil wrapping, and are designed to be dispensed with after they’ve been exhausted.

How do I prepare a charcoal barbeque?

If you’re going to be lighting charcoal, then you’ll need a means of doing so. Firelighters catch easily and will burn hot enough that the surrounding coals do, too. The same effect can be achieved with tiny bits of kindling wood, or with shredded paper. Some bags of coal are designed to be used whole – simply light up the bag and the whole thing will go up.

Now, after you’ve done this, the coals will burn ferociously – so hot that anything you place on there will be cooked thoroughly on the outside before the inside has gotten going. Now, this might be exactly what you want – if you’re going to be cooking something unusual, like black-and-blue steak, then a rare (or indeed, raw) interior with a blackened exterior might be desirable. For most purposes, however, you’ll want to wait until the temperature has come down.

As a rule of thumb, the coals should be entirely white before you begin cooking. If you’re going to be cooking white meat like pork and chicken, this is particularly important for food safety reasons.meat-1440105_640 (1)


As any chef will tell you, it’s impossible to create a great meal using inferior ingredients. And the same principle holds true when you’re barbequing. Cover the grill in cheap, frozen burgers, and you’ll find that they shrink to the size of ten-pence pieces as soon as they’re exposed to heat, and the water evaporates from them. So what should we look for when shopping for ingredients?

What to cook?

A great burger is one that’s made from great meat. You can get this from your butcher and make your own; with the help of some salt, pepper, egg and breadcrumbs, you can create a burger mix that’ll adhere nicely on the grill, and taste brilliant. Supermarkets now carry all manner of exotic burgers, too – so be sure to look for the premium Wagyu and Kobi meats, which now enjoy unprecedented prominence on supermarket shelves.

Of course, no burger would be up to much unless paired with an accordingly high-quality bun. Be sure to lightly toast your bun on the grill before putting the burger together – this will give it that much-required crunch. Cheese, too, is a necessity – lay a slice of it atop your burger just before you take it off the grill – it should melt slightly into the burger, ensuring a nice gooey texture when it reaches your mouth. You might also want to introduce a sprinkling of fried onion – if your barbeque doesn’t come equipped with a hotplate, then you can bring out a miniature frying pan especially for the job. A crisp lettuce leaf, a slice of tomato, a gherkin, and lashings of your sauce of choice, and you’ll be well on your way to burger heaven.

Naturally, a good barbeque should have more than one food option. Prawn skewers, chicken wings, and vegetarian-friendly halloumi slices can all fit nicely into your selection. Set up a miniature salad bar to one side, and your guests will be able to combine their plateful of delicious grilled meat with generous helpings of crisp salad and pasta.

You’ll also want to provide your guests with something to drink. It’s difficult to go wrong with a large bowl of punch. Prepare it according to a favourite recipe, and then top it up with whatever fruits and spirits you happen to have lying around the kitchen. Not only is such a thing delicious – but it forms an excellent visual centrepiece, too.

As well as the items we’ve thus far discussed, there are a few others which make life that little bit more convenient. Having a spray-bottle filled with water handy can prove an invaluable tool in smothering those bursts of flame that result from fat dripping from the grill. Similarly, you’ll need a few tools for handling the grill – a set of tongs and a spatula being among the more essential!

Rhubarb Lemonade

Rhubarb Lemonade
Rhubarb Lemonade

The weather is hot hot hot and there’s more of it to come – and there’s just a little bit of rhubarb season left, so still enough time to make this quick and very refreshing drink. It was from a
Rhubarb Iced Tea recipe, but since I don’t have much affinity for tea, I changed it to a Rhubarb Lemonade, with bought lemonade to top it up. Rhubarb Lemonade

I normally use these Ikea Korken Bottles (pictured) but you can use any cordial bottles which I half fill with cordial and freeze (normally on it’s side) then it freezes diagonally and looks quite pretty!

Rhubarb Lemonade

Taken out of the freezer I top it with fizzy lemonade and leave it to defrost, it’s perfect on a hot and sweltering day.

Rhubarb Iced Tea
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1 litre
  • 500g Roughly chopped rhubarb
  • 1000g Water
  • 100g White or Brown Sugar
  • Squirt of lemon juice (tbs roughly) or half a lemon
  1. Add the rhubarb to a pot with water. Bring to the boil, stirring for 10 minutes to prevent the rhubarb burning. Lower the heat and boil for a further 20 minutes, with the lid on.
  2. (I would try to keep the rhubarb in a colander if you have one that can fit inside your pot - that way you don't have to strain it after.)
  3. Remove the rhubarb, squeezing out any excess water. Switch off the heat and while the water is still hot, add the sugar and lemon juice and stir till dissolved.
  4. Set aside to cool - serve as is, or with lemonade. We like to freeze it too.
Thermomix Recipe
  1. Fill the Thermomix jug to 1000g
  2. Place rhubarb in internal steamer basket. Place MC.
  3. The water must touch the rhubarb, but the rhubarb shouldn't touch the blades.
  4. Speed 10 mins /speed 4/ Varoma
  5. Then 20 mins /speed 4/100C
  6. Remove lid, then use the back of a spoon to squeeze out excess liquid.
  7. While still hot, add sugar - you can add more or less to taste - 100g works well for me.
  8. Add lemon juice and set aside to cool.
  9. Once cool, move to glass bottle and store in the fridge till ready to serve.
  10. With 1 litre Sprite: Calories: 1,738 Carbs: 454 Protein: 5 Sodium: 240 Sugar: 433
To serve: I like to freeze half a bottle on it's side so that I can take it out and add lemonade. The lemonade is cooled by the iced drink and once defrosted you have a bubbly refreshing drink. You can drink it as is too, but I like it with the lemonade.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 4 cups Calories: 1,258 Fat: 0 Sugar: 305 Sodium: 20 Protein: 5

How To Get Rid of Aphids

How to get rid of aphids

Along with my allotment, I am also growing a number of salad greens such as rocket and spinach and kale on two windowsills in my living room. One of the windowsills has pots with spinach and kale, and for some or other reason, the plants on this windowsill are over run by aphids! The other windowsill is fine, but this one – over run. Seriously – stick your hand into one of the pots and shake the plant around a little and your hand comes out covered in the little green bugs. It’s rather gross!

I tried to go organic, and spent some time every day manually going through every leaf on every plant pulling them off, but actually, life is too short!How to get rid of aphids

So yesterday I decided I needed to go big or give up. It was time to get rid of aphids!

I mixed three drops of Thieves oil with three drops of Peppermint oil and a small squirt of dish washing soap into a spray bottle with two cups of water and swirled it around, then sprayed it  liberally onto all the leaves – top and bottom, to get the eggs too – and in the crevices of the stems. I’ll have to make sure to wash everything properly before eating to get the dishwashing soap off, but it does work, for whatever reason!

By morning there wasn’t any movement on the plants – they’re all dead. Getting the plants cleared is a bit of a manoeuvring, but they just blow off, really. New eggs began to hatch, so I’ve had to spray again, but same story – they’re just dropping off.

If you don’t want to use dish soap, you can go without it, using just the essential oils, but you may need to do two or three sprays.

Hopefully now I’ve been able to get rid of aphids the plants will have a better chance to grow and flourish and I’ll get to eat some of the fruits of my labour!

Our New Allotment


Two months ago we received a plot on the local allotment. Our plot was rather overgrown, but we had one bed ready to use and another hidden under a mountain of plastic, rocks and broken glass! Here’s our new allotment journey!

AllotmentI decided to start with the existing bed, and go from there, so I planted what I had a little (retrospectively) too haphazardly, but never mind – it’s year one, and a huge learning curve. Allotment

In this bed we planted salad greens, chives, nasturtiums, marigolds (calendula), radish, carrots and beetroot. A few weeks later I added rows of more beetroot, radish and khol rabi in between. Then I realised I had a quarter bed left empty, so I popped squash, courgette and gherkins in too as well as raspberry canes along one edge.  A neighbouring plot holder turned up with two sun flowers for the children, so we popped those in too, to hide the compost bin.

Obviously that’s a lot for one bed, but with limited space we had to do what we could, really.

After I managed to uncover the second bed, I popped the strawberries in, leaving way too much space between them, and made a herb circle. At the end of that bed I added a Logan berry, four tomatoes and two peas. Allotment

We’ve had a few strawberries, but not many – I’ve actually just put some cloches on to try to protect it from the birds, but I suspect that’s affected the sun the strawberries are getting as we’ve not had any since. But it is their first year and they’ve only been in the ground for 2 months, so that might be it too.

AllotmentAllotmentIn the middle of the herbs I’ve put some Kale, and so far they’ve avoided white fly, and have been producing beautifully, so that’s great news!

The plot came with a fully grown and flowering apple tree (complete with a gazillion caterpillars, but fortunately they were the nesting type, so I just moved their whole nest and that seems to have gotten rid of them all) and  an abundance of mint and spearmint. It’s surrounded by brambles too, so that should mean plenty of blackberries and there’s a huge Comfrey plant, so fertiliser should be easy to arrange too.  Oh, and I almost forgot the huge rosemary bush too! I’m excited about that!

It’s been a massive amount of work, and I honestly didn’t think I was going to be able to do everything I have, so I’m feeling rather pleased with myself – even with the new wildlife discoveries we’ve been making!

We’ve been at it for two months, and we’re now at the harvesting stage for lots of the things we’ve planted, which is terribly exciting! Watch this space for lots of fresh and healthy recipes as well as growing tips as we learn them!

The Herbs & Essential Oils eBook Bundle

Every once in a while I run into some pretty cool people, and like to share about them with you. Today I want to tell you about a wonderful team I’ve been working with recently, namely Ryan and Stephanie from Ultimate Bundles. For several years now, they’ve been putting together some incredible eBook and eCourse bundles.

You’ve probably seen some bundles around from time to time, but they’re not all created equally. What I love about Ultimate Bundles is the sheer quality of the resources included each bundle, the way they tie them together to make them instantly actionable, and the amazing customer support and happiness guarantee they offer.

And because I know how much you care about your family’s health, I have a feeling you’re going to love their newest bundle, and I want to let you know that it’s available now for just a few days.

It’s called The Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle.

See? I knew you’d be interested! ?

The bundle contains 20 superb eBooks and eCourses designed to help you:

  • separate fact from fiction as you choose quality herbs and essential oils
  • confidently prepare salves, syrups, tinctures, and teas
  • properly dilute oils for topical use
  • learn blending principals for aromatic use
  • incorporate essential oils into easy and effective herbal remedies
  • know which herbs are safe for pregnancy, babies and children
  • use printables to organize your essential oils for safety and ease of use
  • and even create beauty products, herbal baths, and even gifts for friends and family

With your bundle, you’ll ALSO receive a special coupon for 50% off bulk herbs and essential oils from Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary, a full-service apothecary and clinic offering small batch hand-made herbal products to enhance your health and well-being.

The combined value of everything in the bundle is well over $400 but you get it all for an amazing 92% off!

Worried about information overload? Don’t be: there’s a handy Getting Started Guide to help you take action right away.

Ryan and Steph (and their awesome team) only put out a handful of bundles each year — because they spend so much time researching which resources would be BEST suited to the needs of people like you. Because of their commitment to including only the best eBooks and eCourses, over 22,000 purchase their most recent bundle. That many people simply can’t be wrong!

On June 27th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time, The Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle will no longer be available.

Click here to find out more and buy The Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle!

P.S. This is the most specific, tailored bundle they’ve ever offered, really narrowing in on resources that are ideal for those who want to use herbs and essential oils safely and effectively for themselves and their family. For anyone wanting to take charge of their own health, it’s the perfect way to affordably add more resources to your natural remedies library.

Check it out here

Get Your Bake On With #GBBO And Lakeland!

Lakeland have launched their own Great British Bake Off range so that fans of the popular TV show can recreate their own #GBBO experience at home.

With everything from cupcake cases to spatulas, cutters and stencils to serving dishes and templates, you can be the champion baker too – even if just in your own house.

Click on any of the pictures below to see the full range of Great British Bake Off bake ware from Lakeland.

#GBBO Lakeland bakeware #GBBO Cookware from Lakeland Great British Bake Off Lakeland Bakeware #GBBO Lakeland Bakeware unnamed (2) - Copy

Despite being a food blogger, and loving baking, I’m not a reality TV fan, really, so I’ve only seen a few episodes of #GBBO but so many of my friends are huge fans, and some of the groups I’m on on Facebook spend hours talking about it every day. It’s definitely got the company back into baking, debating the best cakes and bakes and bringing some creativity back into the kitchen.

We love to make fairy cakes, and even have a beloved vegan cake that we call on whenever we’re out of eggs or milk.

I know these are Etsy UK and not Lakeland, but I thought I’d share them with you too – they seem rather fitting!

etsy uk

*Buying through these links will send a few pennies in commission my way. It will not cost you any more than going direct through Lakeland. I will not see what you’ve bought, or who has bought what. 

Cacao Nib Banana Bread

Banana BreadBanana bread is such a comforting food, and it’s a perfect way to eat the ‘yukky’ bananas, as my two year old calls those that have gone a bit off-colour.

I found a banana bread recipe that had a fantastic picture and looked perfect, but as I started baking, I kept changing ingredients and substituting their recommendations for my own adaptations, till I realised that it’s just not the same bread anymore, so here’s my own version of a lovely banana bread, with cacao nibs. Banana Butter
While nibs are hard on their own, once they’ve been wet and baked, they’re pretty soft, but still crunchy, but not in a break-your-teeth kind of way. They just offer a nice texture, while adding beautiful flavour. Banana
Cacao Nib Banana Bread
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
You can use less sugar in this recipe if you prefer as it is quite sweet, even with the cacao nibs. It's quite a moist recipe too, so should keep well in an airtight container.
Recipe type: TM31, Bread, Cake
Serves: 15 slices
  • 60g cacao nibs
  • 60g dates
  • 180g self raising flour
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 100g sugar
  • 80g oil (not olive)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 bananas
  • 100g milk
  1. Preheat oven to 180C
  2. Prepare your loaf pan with oil or butter (or use silicone)
  3. Add the cacao nibs and dates to the Thermomix bowl, and mix at speed 6 for 10 seconds.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix at speed 5 for 10 - 15 seconds to make sure it's all blended.
  5. Pour into prepared loaf pan, and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, sticking a skewer in every 10 minutes or so after 45 minutes till it comes out clean.
  6. Tip out of loaf pan and leave to cool.

Stewed Fruit For Breakfast

Stewed FruitI grew up a military child, which meant we moved around a lot. Whether it was normal or due to my dad being an officer, I don’t know, but every time we moved cities we had three weeks in hotels, and I loved it. I still love hotels to this day, even if they’re down the road from my house, a break away in a hotel is a mini adventure, filled with excitement and newness of change. It’s wonderful.

One of the things I remember most in moving from Namibia to South Africa was staying in the no-longer-in-existence Drum Rock Inn, to my memory a proper bushveld hotel, complete with morning drumming to wake the guests.

In this hotel, we’d go down for breakfast, and the only thing I remember from this breakfast, and subsequent ones, is the stewed fruit that goes with yoghurt. Now, whenever I move, I crave stewed fruit! But I’ve been making it for my breakfast for a while now, and I absolutely love it.

Stewed Fruit

Just a tip, not to be indelicate, but eat a little at a time otherwise everyone will smell you coming 😉

The ingredients below are a guide. You can play around with it. If you use fresh fruit, you need less water or sugar. If you use dried fruit, as I do, you need the water to both rehydrate and stew. Play around with which fruits you like. I love the apple rings for flavour, the apricots for a bit of sourness and the prunes for sweetness. If you use sugar, you’ll have a beautifully sweet syrup to have with a thick and sour yoghurt, but if you use Rapadura you may have a little less syrup at the end.  You could use other sweeteners, but I haven’t tried to.

Stewed FruitYou don’t have to use a Thermomix to make stewed fruit. A nice sized heavy based pot on a stove will do the same job, you may just have to cook it for longer, and stir on occasion.


Stewed Fruit For Breakfast
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 6 servings
  • 150g fruit - 50g apple rings, 50g apricots, 50g prunes
  • 30g sugar / 20g rapadura
  • 400g water
  • ½ tsp cinnamon and/or vanilla pod
  1. Add all the ingredients to the Thermomix bowl.
  2. Cook Varoma/Spoon Speed/10 mins without the MC
  3. Remove the fruit and set aside
  4. Cook the remaining liquid for 5 - 7 minutes, Varoma/Speed 2 (still without the MC) to thicken the liquid into a syrup, but keep an eye on it.
  5. Pour over fruit.
  6. Serve with yoghurt, hot or cold.

Price compare your dried fruit ingredients here:

Try this recipe with fresh fruit from Riverford: