Home Made Mayonnaise

Homemade MayonnaiseI have made mayonnaise for many years, long before I bought my Thermomix, but in the Thermomix it is so, so easy… when it works. I’ve had as many flops as successes making mayo in the Thermomix, and when it flops, well, it flops big and is wasteful, so I really hate it.

It’s been a few months now that we’ve not had a regular base, or a fridge, so I haven’t made mayonnaise for a while, but since we’re in a house again, I decided to make some now – it’s homely to have mayonnaise in the fridge. So, I did what I often do when I’m at a foodie – loss. I knock on Jamie Oliver’s door (Metaphorically speaking. I don’t actually know him). Now I know ol’ Jamie’s been accused of being out of touch with ‘poverty’ and all that, but the man likes the kind of food I like, and honestly, if he ever had a frienship-vacancy, I’d be right in there. Him and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, seriously, what a dinner party we could have. Sigh.

Never mind, I’ll console myself with this rather perfect mayonnaise.

I had egg yolks in the fridge – I took them out about 10 minutes before, but they’d been there for about three days (I use something similar to these silicon lids instead of plastic wraps to keep things fresh. They are awesome.)

I hope this recipe works for you as well as it does for me.

Home Made Mayonnaise
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Jamie Oliver recommends lemon juice in this mayo - I don't use lemon juice, but I add garlic because it's delish.
Recipe type: Condiment
Serves: 500ml
  • 2 free range egg yolks
  • 1 heaped teaspoon Dijon mustard (I use a grainy mustard though, as that's what I like!)
  • 500ml vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt (I use pink Himalayan)
  • ½ lemon (optional)
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional)
Thermomix instructions in bold.
  1. Make sure you have your vinegar measured out and set aside, ready.
  2. Add two free range egg yolks and a heaped teaspoon of mustard to the bowl. Add the butterfly and whisk speed 4. Add 250ml of the vegetable oil very slowly in a slow drizzle through the hole in the lid into the bowl.
  3. When you've poured about half of the oil in, add the vinegar. (Jamie says this makes it lighter in colour and texture, which it does.)
  4. Add the rest of the oil in a slow trickle - it should take about 4 minutes to add all the oil.
  5. Add your flavours now, either lemon juice, garlic, paprika - whatever you fancy. Whisk it for another 5 seconds or so, the store in an airtight container.


South African Peppermint Crisp Pie

Peppermint Crisp Pie

Peppermint Crisp Pie is an old favourite for me. It is rich and creamy and comforting, a little reminder of a once-was-home, of my mother, and of many a dinner party, barbeque or braai where it’s been consumed with gusto. The main problem with this recipe however, is that most of it’s parts are – originally – Nestle products, and we are Nestle boycotters, so for many years I stopped making it.Peppermint Crisp Pie


These days, however, I’ve found some pretty decent substitutes and I’m happy making it again. This recipe is very forgiving. If you get the amounts slightly wrong, it won’t matter too much. While you can serve and enjoy Peppermint Crisp Pie immediately, making it the day before is ideal as it allows the moisture to soak into the biscuits and gives you more of a firm pudding. Either way, it’s moreish.


2.0 from 1 reviews
Peppermint Crisp Pie
Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: Desert, Pudding, Sweet
Cuisine: South African
Serves: 12
  • 1 pack Tennis Biscuits
  • 2 cups/ 500g fresh cream
  • 1x 397g tin of Caramel (or Condensed Milk)
  • 200g mint chocolate (traditionally this one, but I prefer Green & Blacks from an ethical point of view
  1. If you're not using caramel, place the condensed milk in a pot of water and boil for three hours. Allow to cool completely (preferably overnight. If you use hot caramel the whole desert will be ruined.)
Thermomix Instructions
  1. Break the chocolate into blocks and place in the Thermomix bowl. Speed 7/10 seconds
  2. Wash & dry the bowl and add the butterfly and then the cream
  3. Whisk the cream for 1 - 3 minutes, depending on how fresh it is. Keep an eye on it as you don't want butter. Speed 4/ 1 - 3 minutes.
  4. Add the caramel and two-thirds of the chocolate and mix speed 1/ 30 seconds - just enough to mix but not to whisk again.
  5. Add a layer of biscuits to the base of a glass dish.
  6. Add about a quarter of the cream mixture above the biscuits and spread it evenly.
  7. Add another layer of biscuits
  8. Add another layer of cream, and repeat until it's all finished.
  9. End on a layer of cream, and sprinkle the remaining chocolate
  10. Cover and refrigerate till it's ready to be eaten.
Regular Instructions
  1. Grate the chocolate
  2. Place the biscuits in a shallow glass dish
  3. Beat the double cream till it is stiff, then add most of the grated chocolate and caramel and stir in gently. If you beat it again, the cream will fall flat and won't set properly.
  4. Spoon a layer of the cream mixture on to the biscuits, then add another layer of biscuits, topped again with the cream. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times, depending on the depth of your dish.
  5. Finish with the cream mixture and sprinkle with chocolate.
  6. Place in the fridge for an hour to set, and keep refrigerated.


Grav Lax: Three Day Marinated Salmon Recipe

This has to be my favourite salmon recipe, but it’s one that pretty much only makes it onto the table for Christmas morning.

179996_10150367654720234_7355877_nI made this for Christmas one year and thought it was the best thing I’d ever tasted, and it’s become a Christmas favourite for us.  This is not a SMOKED salmon recipe -although I have in a pinch made the dressing to have with smoked salmon, which is also delicious.

For this recipe, the salt draws liquid from the salmon and “cooks” it in the fridge over the period of three days. It forms a lot of liquid in the fridge, so make sure to use a large enough bowl. If not for Christmas, serve this as a brunch with a selection of breads or as a starter to an evening meal. It is amazing.

Grav Lax: 3 Raw Marinated Salmon Recipe
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 8
For the Salmon
  • 1 kg Norwegian salmon fillets (of optimum quality)
  • 60g salt (preferably sea salt)
  • 70g sugar
  • 1 tsp peppercorns, slightly crushed
  • 1 bunch fresh dill including the stems
For the Sauce
  • 3 teaspoons Swedish mustard or German sweet mustard
  • 1 teaspoon grainy mustard
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • salt, pepper
  • 90 ml mild vegetable oil (not olive oil!)
  • additional fresh dill, finely chopped
  1. Three days before eating, remove all bones with a pair of tweezers, but leave the skin on. Rinse the salmon gently.
  2. Mash the dill stems in a mortar with a little of the salt, saving the leaves for the sauce.
  3. Mix with the rest of the salt, the sugar and pepper.
  4. Cover the flesh side of the fillets with the mixture, and place the fillets flesh-to-flesh in a tray made of glass or stainless steel.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap and put a heavy weight on top (e. g. the mortar or a brick) - you need the weight to press down on the fish.
  6. Keep refrigerated for 72 hours, turning the fillets every 12 hours.
  7. Do not discard the liquid that forms until the end of 72 hours. ( A lot of liquid will form)
  8. After 72 hours scrape off the spices very gently and discard the liquid. (You could use this for a fish stock.)
  9. The preserved salmon will keep refrigerated for about a week.
For the sauce
  1. Make the sauce the day of, or the day before eating.
  2. Mix mustard, sugar and vinegar in a bowl and dd the oil a teaspoon at a time, constantly whisking.
  3. Just before serving, add lots of dill and salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Slice the salmon with a sharp, flexible knife in long, thin slices parallel to the skin.
  5. Arrange the ice-cold salmon on lettuce leaves with slices of lemon.
  6. Serve the sauce separately.
  7. Optional: Also serve toasted bread and butter.

a-very-thermie-christmas-cover This recipe features in A Very Thermie Christmas, where you can find it and 50 other recipes perfect for a Thermomix assisted Christmas. Read more about it here.

How Interchangeable Are Thermomix T5 And TM31 Recipes?

Anyone with a Thermomix knows now that there’s a new model in town, and there’s been a lot of joy, excitement, unhappiness and downright anger and disappointment among owners. Among bloggers, however, the big question has been: can I still blog if I don’t have a T5?  

A few days ago I borrowed the new ‘Basic’ cookbook from a new owner, so that I could try to make some recipes in my TM31 and give it an honest try.

My findings were simple-ish.

If you are a confident cook and Thermomix user, it should be really simple to flit about between the TM31 and the T5, though you may find yourself overfilling your bowl at times, so you will need to scale down. If you’re a T5 user, you may have the opposite problem, with not having enough quantity to fill the bowl – okay if you’re making soup, annoying if you’re chopping garlic and need to scrape down the bow more frequently.  It’s not insurmountable, however, and personally, I wouldn’t hesitate to use recipes from either.

But down to business…

My husband goes crazy for Creme Caramels so when I saw the recipe, it was the first thing I was going to try. The 700g water was too much for my TM31 bowl and overflowed a bit at Varoma temp. I poured 200g out about 10 minutes in, and had no problems further.

Incidentally, and not any fault of the Thermomix, but one of my ramekins couldn’t stand the heat and broke in half, leaving the kitchen smelling like boiled egg, and the contents of the bowl looking like scrambled egg juice. Trust me, it looks no better than it sounds!

T5 Creme Caramel in TM31

The result? Beautifully set Creme Caramels. (I’m pretty certain, however, that the recipe is flawed. They tasted like egg topped with sugar. There was no vanilla essence in the ingredients list, and there’s no opportunity for the sugar [in the creme] to melt. As a result you have a grainy looking, flavourless desert. I made them again, adding vanilla essence, which tasted a lot better, but still had the weird grainy sugar look [see those ‘dots’ in the picture? It is possible that this is due to the Varoma temperature on the T5 being higher than on the TM31, but I doubt it]. I’d definitely not recommend the recipe in the Basic Cookbook as far as flavour and appearance go though.)

Next up I raided the garden for courgettes. As it turned out we don’t have any carrots, so I halved the Steamed carrot and courgette tagliatelle recipe. It’s not strictly a perfect test, I suppose, but it worked fine. The steamed courgettes were fresh and delicious.

Steamed Carrot & Courgette Tagliatelle T5 Basic Cookbook

Another confusing recipe for me is the T5’s yoghurt. Looking longingly and with envy at people who pop in their ingredients and wake up with yoghurt (because the added step of adding yoghurt 60 minutes later is such a trial for me *dramatic eye roll*) doesn’t seem to marry up with the instructions in The Basic Cookbook, which talk about decanting the yoghurt to jars and leaving overnight. Maybe someone who’s made  yoghurt in a T5 can clarify that for me?

The main area where you may run into problems flitting between the two machine’s recipes, is in the Varoma. The TM31 has (I believe) a Varoma temperature of 110C but the T5 has a temperature of 120C. For a lot of cooking, that won’t be an insurmountable difference – for example when steaming vegetables. You may just have to adjust cooking time a little.

As an example, I made the chocolate sauce from the T5 cookbook. You have to cook the sugar/water/vanilla mix for 9 minutes, then add cocoa and cook at Varoma for another two minutes, and your chocolate sauce is ready. This works just fine in the TM31, and makes a delicious sauce, or a hot chocolate base (fabulous as an alternative to powdered hot chocolate, and YOWZA! the best hot chocolate, ever, by the way!).

If you want to reduce it down to a spread, however, as the tip in the book suggests, you may need to cook it a little longer than the three-four minute-instructions. I used half the recipe as a sauce, and used the other half for the spread, so I can’t give you exact measures, but on half the original ingredients, 3 minutes, it cooled to a very tasty, but very runny ‘spread’. Also, the book doesn’t say this, but you do have to let it cool down properly to get it to be ‘spreadable’.  Once you’ve decanted your syrup or spread, add milk to the bowl, and cook for 3 minutes on 80C. Start with a quick ‘turbo’ or two to get all the chocolate sauce from around the tops of the bowl – again, not in the book, but common sense.


So basically, where you’re using the Varoma temperature to set or melt something, you may need to give it a bit of extra time, you’d have to decide on a recipe by recipe basis.

Ideally, to really test this, you’d need two machines side by side, making the same recipes, and looking at the results. I can’t do that, alas. 

The Basic Cookbook is lovely in appearance and is much, much approved on the Fast & Easy cookbook.

I love that it tells you how many servings, how long it takes and even nutritional information, at a glance, something that was sorely lacking in the F&E cookbook. It does however, need a finer edit which should have been done before it went to print, really, as Thermomix already know (Don’t quote me on this, but I’ve heard that half the recipes are tried and tested Vorwerk recipes, and the other half are added by Thermomix in each country, so the books differ according to national tastes – it seems these are the problematic recipes)… unless of course you really want 400 onions on your focaccia with onions.

I do wish Thermomix would redo the F&E cookbook in the same way… a little homage to their loyal customers, maybe.

Either way, with some exceptions where you have to account for bowl size, or cook time, with a little practice and common sense I see no reason why you can’t use recipes from either TM31 books or T5 books, irrespective of which machine you have. 

Sponsored Video : Kellogg’s Breakfast For Better Days Campaign

Full breakfast, lazy breakfast, continental breakfast, slice of toast? One thing each of these has in common is that they are eaten in the morning, normally, and can set you up for the day ahead. We have all been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and however we choose to fill our tummies, after hours of sleep, we know that it’s important.

And yet, 1 in 7 children in the UK miss out on the meal entirely. Whether through parental neglect or simply lack of money, 2.4 children in every class in England and Wales lose an hour of decent learning time a day due to hunger. Every parent knows that a hungry child is a grumpy child, and you don’t have to be a genius to know that a rumbly tummy doesn’t make for a good learning environment as concentration is lower when your blood sugar is lower.

While the definition of healthy varies from person to person, I love the fact that they are trying to reach out to those children who need it with their “Breakfast for Better Days” campaign, making sure they are getting ‘something’. Basically, when you buy a box of cereal, you’re giving a bowl to a child who may otherwise have gone without.

New research from Kellogg’s and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) has found that people in the UK are spending more on food, but eating less, with the average food bill set to increase by £357 by the end of 2017. To those of us already struggling to feed our families healthy meals on already stretched budgets, this will come as no surprise.

If you’re wondering how Kellogg’s will be giving out these meals, 15 million of the breakfasts and snacks will be distributed in the UK in the form of grants to school breakfast clubs, breakfast programmes and food donations to food banks such as those run by the Trussell Trust.

Click on the video below for more information.

This post has been sponsored by Kellogg’s, but all thoughts are my own

“Save Our Paws” Explained By A 4-year Old

Arctic Home is a joint initiative between Coca-Cola and WWF to help raise urgent awareness and funds for the endangered home of the polar bear mum and her cubs. The campaign is calling for everyone to visit www.arctichome.co.uk to share their support and make a donation. Coca-Cola will match all donations made to the campaign up to €1million.


We were sent a box of Bear Paws goodies – they are delicious, and an absolute favourite with  my children – as Bear is celebrating it’s 5th birthday, and for two months will be donating 5p from every pack of Bear snacks sold to the WWF/Coco-Cola campaign.

Ameli had questions about the campaign, so I was trying to explain it to her, and then she tried to summarise it in her four year old way… have a look, then add Bear Paws to your shopping list for lunch box snacks.

Find out more, and donate to the Polar bears here.

Sweet and Salty Popcorn

PopcornWho doesn’t love popcorn!? We love popcorn in our house. It’s one of those healthy snacks that feels like such a treat. Either for a family night in snuggling & watching movies, or for a lunch box or afternoon snack. Popcorn is always a winner. Although I have to admit I was getting bored with the same old salted popcorn, so what did I do? I added sugar of course! This recipe makes such a big batch that the sugar isn’t too ‘naughty’, unless you eat the whole batch.. hehehe.

This recipe would also make a great gift in a hamper for Christmas time. You can swap the salt for a sprinkle of cinnamon for that warm festive touch.

Sweet & Salty Popcorn
Who doesn't love popcorn!? We love popcorn in our house. It's one of those healthy snacks that feels like such a treat. Either for a family night in snuggling & watching movies, or for a lunch box or afternoon snack. Popcorn is always a winner. Although I have to admit I was getting bored with the same old salted popcorn, so what did I do? I added sugar of course! This recipe makes such a big batch that the sugar isn't too 'naughty', unless you eat the whole batch.. hehehe This recipe would also make a great gift in a hamper for Christmas time. You can swap the salt for a sprinkle of cinnamon for that warm festive touch
Recipe type: Snack
Serves: 8-10
  • ¼ cup Vegetable oil, I use refined coconut oil
  • ¼ cup Sugar, I use Rapadura sugar
  • ½ cup Organic popcorn kernels
  • Salt, I use pink Himalayan salt
  1. Heat oil with 3 test kernels in large, deep, heavy pot with the lid on.
  2. Once the test kernels pop, your oil is hot enough. Add sugar, popcorn kernels & stir a bit, then cover.
  3. Shake pot every few seconds, it must be done so the sugar & popcorn won’t burn.
  4. Once popping has slowed, remove pot from heat and keep shaking until there’s no more popping.
  5. Tip into a BIG bowl. My biggest bowl isn't big enough so I use a wok!
  6. Use a big spoon to mix it up and add a couple pinches of fine salt.
  7. Break up any clumps, and let cool just enough to dig in!
  8. TIP: Now Is a good time to put some into snack bags for lunch boxes..so it's not all eaten at once!


Naturally Delightful Christmas Giveaways (For US & Canada Only)


The Christmas season is the perfect time to spread holiday cheer…AND free gifts! Lots of exciting presents for you in this giveaway–be sure to enter for your chance to win this amazing prize package right before Christmas!


Clean Water Propur Bundle: Water Filtration Pitcher, Shower Head, and Sports Bottle $179.95 Value

 The mission of United Environmental Solutions is to provide quality products worldwide that can be used on a regular basis; but by virtue of their unique characteristics, they can also be used to provide relief in the event of an unexpected emergency. We operate under a simply philosophy: give the customer more than they expect.  You can read a full review of the Berkey and United Environmental Solutions HERE.


REAL Health Course: A Home Study 6 Modules (Digital Download) $199 value

Angela Montgomery of Real Whole Health is a certified holistic health coach who works with busy moms to create a plan to help them reach their health and weight loss goals, naturally!

REAL Health home study courses give you the tools you need to: – Achieve your optimal weight and have the body you love – without yet another restrictive diet that does not deliver lasting results? – Finally end your battle with sugar and coffee – using strategies that get to the root cause of your cravings so it ceases to be a constant struggle that you can’t win? – Have all the energy you want, so that you can juggle all your responsibilities without sacrificing your passion? – Have the mental clarity that will bring you focus, efficiency and productivity? – Attain emotional balance so that you (and your relationships) are no longer held back by mood swings and bouts of depression and/or anxiety? Have less stress and more rest?

1371694_10153260063695788_762130005_n (1)

1 Free 45 Minute Health Consultation $75 Value

Angela Montgomery of Real Whole Health is a certified holistic health coach who works with busy moms to create a plan to help them reach their health and weight loss goals, naturally!

Health Coaching giveaway description: Work with Angela to discover the best way for you to reach your health and fitness goals with a plan that is tailored just for you! One month of health coaching includes two – one hour phone calls with unlimited email support.


 4 oz bottle Homemade Vanilla Extract  $12 Value

Our 4 oz. bottles of homemade vanilla extract is made from pure Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans. It’s strength is much more potent than what you’ll find on the shelf at the grocery store. In fact, you can get twice as much out of your bottle by using half of the amount of vanilla extract that a recipe calls for.


doTERRA Introductory Kit to Essential Oils with CD $26.67 value

Learn about the amazing health benefits of Essential Oils through the doTERRA Introductory Kit. There are over 101 uses for these three oils and Lindsay @ Crunchy Savings to happy to help you learn about the health properties of Essential Oils.


Christmas All-Natural Bath & Body Sampler $20 Value

The Just So Sampler makes an ideal gift for those who are chemically sensitive or who are interested in natural living. We include 3 samples of our Luxury Soaps, 1 Lip Balm, and a sample of our Shea Creme.

The Just So Sampler is packaged in a reusable festive bag. Soaps are packaged in 100% natural muslin bags. Lip balm and Shea Creme come in reusable glass jars. This is the ultimate natural gift!


5 Pack Virtuous Woman Lip Balm (Flavor Winner’s Choice) $14 Value

From the lovely Danielle at More Than Four Walls: Virtuous Lips Nourishing Lip Balm is hand made with natural ingredients. Nothing you can’t pronounce, just pure simple ingredients.


Festive Traditions: A REAL Food Guide to the Holidays eBook $7.95 Value

Festive Traditions is a wonderful collection of real food holiday favorites. You’ll find appetizers (perfect to pass at a party), main dishes, drinks, and even desserts! Many selections are gluten or grain-free and appropriate for allergy sufferers or those on special diets. With Festive Traditions, you can enjoy your holidays without the junk!


Cookbook: Gather: The Art of Paleo Entertaining  $25.27 Value

There are few joys in life quite like gathering friends and family around the table for a special meal. One of the best parts of making good food is being able to share it with others. With a little bit of thoughtful planning, it can be effortless to entertain your guests and host an incredible meal. However, the true art of paleo entertaining is creating a delicious and satisfying menu that will also promote good health. In Gather, the Art of Paleo Entertaining, Hayley and Bill show you how to orchestrate the perfect dinner party—whether you are planning an elegant holiday feast or hosting a casual brunch with friends.


Blanched Almond Meal Flour $39.99 Value

Honeyville’s Blanched Almond Flour, or Blanched Almond Meal, is a great way to cook with limited carbohydrate intake. With a fraction of the carbs of wheat flour, almond flour provides a hearty flavor and consistency without adding all of those empty calories. Chock full of protein and dietary fiber, almond flour works well in a wide array of recipes. Made from blanched almonds, pressed into fine particles, our almond flour adds color, texture, richness, flavor, body, and binds ingredients in baking applications.


$50 Gift Card to Bob’s Red Mill $50 Value

Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods is an employee-owned, distinctive stone grinding miller of whole grain natural foods. We offer the widest selection of natural and gluten free flours, cereals and mixes.



Organic Seasoning Gift Box $19.95 Value

Our RealSalt Seasoning Gift Box packaged in an attractive wooden crate with “RealSalt” screen printed on each end contains one 4.75 oz. shaker of RealSalt, one 4.75 oz. Organic Garlic Salt, one 4.75 oz. Organic Onion Salt, and one 4.1 oz.Organic Seasoning Salt. The 4 oz. Organic Season Salt gift box makes a great and flavorful gift!


All Natural Eye Shadow Trio $24.99 Value

Cowgirl Dirt Eye Shadow Trios beautifully pairs three eye shadows giving you contour, highlight, and base shades. Try our subtle trios to enhance your natural beauty and our bold trios for special occasions. Each eye shadow color can be enhanced by dipping our Eye Shadow Brush in water before application.


6 month subscription to REAL Food Menu Planning Website $75 Value



Essential Oil Medicated Hard Lotion $11 Value

Shea Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, Beeswax and Jojoba Oil then added Lavender, Rose Hip, Neem, and Melaleuca Essential Oils. These butter, beeswax and oil all promote moisture and healing. Essential oils heal and soothe irritated skin. And as a bonus you can use this as a lip balm in a pinch.

Enter to WIN

This Giveaway is only open to those who are 18 years of age and older and those living in the United States and Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Raw Nutty Chocolate Mousse

I’ve been teasing people with this recipe for two days now, not because I’m mean, but because I simply haven’t had the time to write it up, but here it is. We’ll call it version one, because I have some changes I want to make to it, but my husband taster said that’ll make it a different desert, so maybe I can justify having two chocolatey puddings close to each other. No one minds, right?

Raw Nutty Chocolate Mousse

First thing to remember with this desert is that despite it’s sugar free, dairy free, wheat free appearance, it’s still really high in calories, so pace yourself. On the up side, it’s so incredibly rich a few tablespoons each should do you just fine. My friend Emily wanted to top it with lemon shavings for decoration. I hadn’t thought of that, but good point, Emily! Next time.

Despite the high calorie count – see the nutritional information at the end of the post – they are at least good calories, and good for you, filled with healthy stuff.

Either way, it is utterly delicious. It absolutely ends any sugar cravings, and fulfills the sweet tooth, completely. I left this a little bit nutty, but you can make it entirely smooth by blending it longer.

Let me know what you think!

Raw Nutty Chocolate Mousse
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A gorgeous summery, delicious, healthy desert that blows your sweet tooth and chocolate cravings out the water.
Recipe type: Raw, Desert
Cuisine: Raw
Serves: 3
  • 2 cups cashews (500ml)
  • 4 dates - more if you prefer a sweeter desert
  • ¼ cup coconut oil (80ml)
  • ¼ cup cacao powder(80ml)
  • ¼ cup (80ml) + 2 tablespoons syrup of choice
  • ½ cup water (125ml)
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Add all the ingredients in the order listed, and blend until smooth.
  2. In the Thermomix, that's speed 10 for about 90 seconds. If you want a smoother texture, blend longer.
  3. Scoop into serving dishes and refrigerate for at least fifteen minutes to cool it down and allow the coconut oil to set a little.
  4. Enjoy!


Frozen yoghurt

Ingredients for Frozen Yoghurt

My girls love ice cream, and I love giving them things they love. I don’t love filling them with preservatives, sugar or colourants though, so when I spotted this recipe in one of our plethora of Dora the Explorer cook books for children, I thought it would be a great one for Ameli, my 3 year old to get involved in.

Welcome to the Festival of Food Carnival. This month, we celebrate foods with kid-appeal!  Hosted by Diary of a First Child and Hybrid Rasta Mama, you’re welcome to join us next time, or if you have a previously published recipe you’d like to share, add it to the linky below.

Smashing berries

I do find the raspberries a bit tart for my liking, but my oldest just loves the pink ice cream, as she calls it. She loves being part of making it too, so that’s helpful. My girls love ice cream, but I don’t really love the additives and chemicals that go into most commercial ice creams. Ice cream also has a lot of sugar and fat and while I don’t mind fat too much, the sugar isn’t necessary. We have a huge collection of Dora the Explorer cooking magazines that have built up over the last year or so, and we found this recipe in one of the early issues. It is really simple, and very tasty.

Mixing frozen Yoghurt

Of course it’s adaptable – I’d love to try it with a refreshing mix of summer berries, or even adding some mint leaves, but here’s the original for now.

Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
My girls love ice cream, and I love that this is a healthy alternative to commercial ice creams, and my children don't know the difference. I find the raspberry frozen yoghurt quite tart, and prefer strawberries or mixed berries.
Recipe type: Sweet, Desert
Cuisine: Healthy
Serves: 600ml
  • 500ml Greek Yoghurt
  • 300g Raspberries (or other berries)
  • 2 tbs Honey
  1. Mash berries in a mixing bowl. (I put them in the Thermomix once my toddler had mashed them, to get the seeds broken up. Any blender will do this.)
  2. Pour yoghurt in with berries
  3. Add honey
  4. Mix well
  5. Place in freezer for one hour.
  6. Stir well to get rid of all icicles
  7. Freeze for another hour.
  8. Stir again.
  9. Freeze for one more hour.
  10. Take out of freezer for five minutes to soften a little, then serve.


Please take a moment to visit the blogs of our other Festival of Food participants. The links in this list will be live by the end of the day, as participants are all in different time zones.

Stay connected! Be sure to “Like” the Festival of Food Carnival Facebook page.


Festival of Food Carnival