To like this recipe, you are going to have to like aubergines and anchovies, although the flavour combines really nicely in such a way that you don’t really taste much of either – it’s more a third, new flavour. I think so anyway, and I really love it.
This goes well with the obvious things like crackers, but it’s also a good filling for baked potatoes or sandwiches. I had initially wanted to make a bagna cauda soup, but didn’t have enough aubergine, so converted mid-recipe to a tapenade instead.
Also, aubergine, egg plant, whatever you call it, is ridiculously hard to photograph in any half decent way!
Aubergine And Anchovy Tapenade
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Remember the anchovies are pretty salty, so be careful when adding more salt!
Author: Luschka
Recipe type: Tapenade, Dip, Filling
Serves: 350g
- 300g aubergines
- 5 garlic cloves
- 1 tsp sugar
- 20g olive oil
- 6–10 anchovy fillets
- 30g single cream
- Salt and black pepper
- Preheat oven to 190C
- Halve the aubergine/egg plant and drizzle olive oil over the top. Place in the oven for 35-40 minutes till it's soft.
- Cool slightly then scoop out the aubergine, discarding the skin.
In the Thermomix
- Add garlic, sugar, olive oil and anchovy fillets into the bowl. Add the aubergine.
- Mix speed 4 for 10 seconds. It shouldn't be puréed, just mixed together. It's better if you can keep some of the texture.
- Add the cream, salt and pepper and mix for 5 seconds on speed 3, making sure it's all mixed together.
- Scoop into a serving dish and serve with crackers or vegetable croutons.
In a blender
- Add garlic, sugar, olive oil and anchovy fillets into the bowl.
- Depending on your blender start slowly till you have a roughly chopped texture. Add the aubergine and cream, salt and pepper and blend till it's all combined.
- Scoop into a serving dish and serve with crackers or vegetable croutons.
Hope you enjoy this delicious, naturally salty dip!