Camping Food: Fireside Chocolate Brioche

Fireside Chocolate Brioche

As much as I love camping, I love eating good food. Being out in nature and eating pot noodles? Just not my thing. If the air is clean I feel like my tastebuds are enhanced, and I want fresh, tasty, good food as much as possible.

One of my best campfire breakfasts is a fireside chocolate brioche. When that comes off the fire it is warm, with melted chocolate chunks and it smells like sweet heaven.

I haven’t  yet mastered making dough out in the wild, (we normally go for non-electric pitches too!) but the secret to a simple fireside brioche breakfast is Jus-Rol. They last really well in a cool box for a few days, and if you’re camping in the UK they are easy to find in most supermarkets anyway, so picking a couple up every few days isn’t a big deal. Fireside Chocolate Brioche

To make a fireside brioche you need some equipment, and you’ll need a fire. On an open fire it takes a little longer, but it does work. It does need to be over an open flame. We do it on a mini gas burner* and it works quickly. Either is fine. You do need the heat though. Don’t put it IN the flame as you’re likely to have a cooked outside and a raw inside.

To make fireside brioche you will need: 

Fireside Chocolate BriocheA sharp knife, though you could tear them but it will be a bit messy

Two camping cooking pots – they need to fit inside each other with a lid that can go over both. (These are great to have in your camping kit anyway as they save space and mean you can cook real food!)

Two spoons,  or rocks or even twigs of similar size. They idea is that they create a little space between the pots for the heat to move around the bottom and sides but the space must be small enough that you can still fit the lid over both pots, creating an oven effect.

Jus-Rol Chocolate Brioche (also works well with cinnamon swirls)


To make the chocolate brioche you need to open the Jus-Rol package, and cut the roll into six equal sizes. If your pots aren’t non stick you will need to oil or butter the smaller one first. Place the six rolls in the smaller of the two pots, five around the outside, one in the middle.Fireside Chocolate Brioche

Place two spoons or twigs into the larger pot. They need to be fairly equally sized to keep the smaller pot resting on them fairly straight.DSCN5679 (Copy)

Place the smaller pot inside, and put the lid in place.

Fireside Chocolate Brioche

Put the pots on the fire and leave. Remember, remember lifting the lid will cause the heat to escape like in a fire. Depending on how much space there is at the top, the top of the brioche may not look like it’s cooking. Fireside Chocolate BriocheWhen you can see the edges are browned and it’s starting to smell like fresh bread, you can tip it out gently and pop it back in upside down if you really want to, or just tip it over and serve it upside down.Fireside Chocolate Brioche

The top needs to be cooked obviously, but it will be a very light colour.

Fireside Chocolate Brioche

Put aside to cool slightly, but serve warm, ideally.

Happy Camping!

Thermomix Brioche

Chocolate BriocheYesterday I shared the traditional French Brioche recipe from Brioche Pasquier with you. I told you about how they’re made in the factory, and showed you some photos from our masterclass in Brioche making from the professionals themselves.

I came home from the event and decided I had to make another batch as fast as I could, so that I would remember how it was done. Of course I had to tweak it a little for the Thermie, but it sure turned out beautiful!

Here’s pretty much the same recipe, but with some Thermomix tweaks for you.

Thermomix Briochettes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A lovely, light brioche recipe perfect for the Thermomix. Normally I wouldn't knead more than a few minutes in the Thermomix, but this recipe needs the dough to be silky and stretchy and around 7 minutes works really well.
Recipe type: Baked, Bread
Cuisine: French
Serves: 12
  • 120g Sugar
  • 500g Strong White Flour
  • 40g Bread Yeast
  • 10g Salt
  • 90g Water
  • 3 Free Range Eggs
  • 125g Unsalted Butter
  • 250g Chocolate Chips
  • Milk for Milk Wash
  1. Place the sugar in the bowl and pulse for a few seconds to make it into caster sugar. Remove half (60g) and put it aside.
  2. To the bowl, add the flour, bread yeast, and salt and pulse a few seconds to mix.
  3. Add the water, egg and butter and knead on the dough setting for about 5 minutes. Add the extra sugar and knead for a further 2 minutes.The dough will look silky and smooth.
  4. Add your chocolate chips and stir on speed 2 for 20 seconds.
  5. Divide the dough into about 12 even sized portions and role them as round as you can.
  6. Leave aside to rise for about 2 hours.
  7. Heat the oven to 200C/390F/gas mark 6.
  8. Brush milk over the dough to glaze.
  9. Bake for 10 minutes.