Thermomix Wontons For Chinese New Year

Thermomix Wontons

**If you don’t have a Thermomix, you can mix the ingredients in an ordinary bowl and knead the dough for about 10 minutes till it is pliable and smooth**

I can’t actually recall that I’ve ever eaten wontons before, but I liked the look of them when my children and I were doing craft activities for Chinese New Year, so thought I’d give them a try. I found a recipe in an old book, so had to convert it for the Thermomix, and have been really happy with the end result.

It is my understanding that wontons can be either steamed or fried. Obviouly steaming it in the Veroma is going to be healthier than deep frying, so we went for that option.Thermomix Wontons

For fillings – the options are as vast as your preferences. Our first attempt was with a minced beef (a few seconds, roughly, in the Thermie), tomato and coriander. The second attempt was with cooked ham, garlic and kale. Both were lovely.

If you’re planning on making a lot of wrappers but only using a few, I’d suggest laying them in a single layer on a baking tray, and freezing them like that. Once frozen, put them together in a container. If you don’t they’ll freeze as a solid lump!

These are really quick and oh-so-easy, although rolling the dough thinly enough might require some practice, or a pasta maker.

Thermomix Wontons For Chinese New YearI
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Here's a great idea for Chinese New Year. It's really easy, and depending on your skill with a rolling pin or pasta maker, quick too.
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Chinese
Serves: 20 wontons
  • 250g / 2 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • ¼ cup water
  • milk for brushing
  1. Add the flour to the bowl, and pulse two or three times
  2. Add egg, salt and water
  3. Mix for 5 seconds/speed 5
  4. Knead for 90 seconds/dough speed
  5. Set aside for 30 - 60 minutes for the dough to rest.
  6. Follow manufacturer instructions for the pasta maker to make the dough as thin as you can. Otherwise roll it as thinly as possible, before cutting into squares.
  7. If you're not going to cook immediately, use corn flour to separate the sheets (normal flour will be absorbed)
  8. Lightly brush the edges with milk or egg
  9. Scoop a spoon full of filling into the centre of your square, then take opposing corners and bring them together.
  10. Squeeze the corners together to seal, then twirl them around.
  11. Place them inside the Veroma
  12. Fill the Thermomix Bowl to the 1 litre mark, place Veroma on top and boil at Veroma speed/20 mins.
  13. Serve hot.


Red Wine Bacon Chunks With Rice And Steamed Vegetables

Red Wine Bacon, Veg & Rice

I’ve always wanted to try an Asian style dish in the Thermomix, because it’s something I really enjoy, but I’ve had a hard time finding recipes that ‘suit’ us. When I opened my meat box to find chunky bacon I decided it’s time to try something different, and here we have it. My husband actually said it’s the nicest chunky bacon meal we’ve ever had, so that’s got to count for something. Even my children enjoyed it. That’s saying something too!

You can adjust the vegetable to what you have, and I’d probably sprinkle toasted sesame seeds on it too, if I had any, but as it was it was delicious. Hope you enjoy it too!

Red Wine Bacon with Rice And Steamed Vegetable
Prep time
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Recipe type: One Pot Meal, Mains
Cuisine: Asian
Serves: 3
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 tsp ginger (grated or powder)
  • 3 small or 1 large garlic clove(s)
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 500g bacon chunks +- 3cm
  • 3 tbs soy sauce
  • 3 tbs chinese cooking white wine
  • 2 tbs rapadura
  • ⅔ cup (160ml/ 120g) red wine
  • 5g corn flour
  • 250g rice
  • Carrots (optional)
  • Asian greens like boy choy, pak choy, or other winter greens like rhubarb chard or similar.(optional)
Traditional cooking
  1. Finely chop onion, ginger and garlic and shallow fry in sesame oil until onion is translucent.
  2. Add the bacon, soy sauce, cooking wine and rapadura (or brown sugar) and simmer for 7 minutes.
  3. Chop vegetables and place in steamer (Or in a colander that fits over the pot with the rice in it)
  4. Add red wine and corn flour and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and keeping an eye to make sure the wine doesn't dry up.
  5. At the same time, boil the rice.
  6. Drizzle sesame oil over the steamed vegetables and serve hot.
With Thermomix
  1. Place onion, ginger and garlic in the TM pot. Turbo for two seconds. Add sesame oil and cook for 3 minutes/speed 2/100C.
  2. Add the chunky bacon, soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine and rapadura (or brown sugar). Cook for 7 mins/spoon setting/100C.
  3. Chop and slice vegetables and place in Veroma.
  4. Add red wine and corn flour and cook for 10 mins/spoon setting/Veroma. Add Veroma and steam vegetables.
  5. Meanwhile, cook rice in your preferred way. Under season your rice as the bacon is quite salty already. (If you're going to wait and prepare the rice after the meat, keep the meat warm in a separate pot).
  6. Drizzle sesame oil over vegetables.
  7. Serve hot.