This peanut butter slice is adapted from the original Degustabox The Chia Co recipe. I had to make some changes to it as my kids wouldn’t eat cranberries if they were the last food on earth, and human survival depended on them. So I went for the freeze dried raspberries in the cupboard, and filled them out with some cacoa nibs for a raspberry and chocolate flavour to this ‘slice’ which could also quite easily be called a flapjack, except it has no sugar or butter and isn’t baked.
So, if you want a sugar free, butter free, no-bake flapjack, congratulations. You’ve found it in the form of a peanut butter slice.
I must then immediately caveat that by saying that in the 0 – 4C temperatures we’re having at the moment, these hold really well straight out the fridge. It’s likely that in hot temperatures, you could end up with a delicious peanut butter muesli. Try it and let me know?
Here’s the original recipe from Degustabox:
And here’s the adapted peanut butter slice version.
- 70g whole almonds, roasted
- 150g oats, toasted
- 75g raisins
- 50g desiccated coconut
- 50g cacao nibs
- 5g freeze dried raspberries
- 2½ tbsp chia seeds (about 15g)
- 105g honey
- 100g smooth peanut butter
- Pre heat the oven to 160C (320F)
- Place the oats on a baking tray and toast for 15 - 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it so that it doesn't burn. On a separate tray, toast almonds for 10 - 12 mins, allowing to cool slowly.
- Add the almonds to the Thermomix, pulse quickly twice.
- Add oats, raisins, coconut, cacao nibs, raspberries, chia seeds, honey and peanut butter.
- Mix reverse/speed 4/ 2 minutes
- If you're not using a pan with a removable base, line a 20cmx20cm tray or pan with baking paper, tip the mixture in and press down into the corners, flattening the mixture to make it even.
- Cover with cling film or plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
- Once it's set, remove, slice and cut into bars or bites.
- Store in the fridge.
These are easily adaptable and are very tasty. They make fabulous breakfast bars on the go and can hold a plethora of hidden healthy foods that might not otherwise go down well. They are very filling and they freeze well too, so you can make a huge batch, and keep some in the fridge and some in the freezer, so they’re ready when you need them.